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Third Person POV:

Kazuichi sits at the bench near the school, tapping his foot as he waits for Sonia. Glancing around, he notices her walking with Gundham Tanaka, one of his best friends, and his rival. Kaz stands up slowly, huffing as he sees the duo laughing together.

That should be me, damnit.

Before he could meet up and walk into the building with the two, he was stopped by Fuyuhiko, who happened to be accompanied by Peko.

"Well hey there, loverboy. Looks like your girl's left ya for another man." Fuyuhiko chuckles, resulting in the taller boy lightly punching his arm.

"Fuck you too, baby face." Turning around before he could react, Kazuichi sprinted towards the school building.

"Fuckin' simp."


"Good morning, Kazuichi!" The princess calls, smiling and waving daintily towards the mechanic.

"Mornin' Miss Sonia!" Flashing his shark-toothed grin, he waves back enthusiastically, before sliding into his seat.

"Greetings, fiend." Gundham greets the shorter boy, in which his response is a peace sign thrown in his direction.

"Heya, hamster-chan." While the breeder pretended to hate the nickname, it was obvious that he didn't. For a moment, he frowned, before letting his smile show again, but of course, Kazuichi didn't notice that. He was way to busy staring at the princess, listening to her ramble on about her interest in the occult and such, until they were interrupted by the teacher.

"Alright class, its time to begin! Quiet down, now!" Ms. Yukizome called from the front of the classroom, and everyone's voices lowered, including Sonia's and his own.

Class drones on, yet Kazuichi didn't pay any attention, as he usually didn't. He let his mind wander, thinking about the things he was planning on tinkering with, along with the thoughts of... Gundham? He couldn't get him out of his head, for some reason. He just thought of Gundham's smile, which he always pretended not to notice, and the way he looked when he was fascinated by something.

Must be jealousy. He's so handsome, and I'm just... a stupid simp, I guess. 

With a sigh, Kazuichi took a small watch out of his pocket, beginning to take it apart to distract himself front the thoughts of the taller boy. Either the teacher somehow didn't notice, or didn't mind, because she never once mentioned it.


Alright kiddos, here we are with another Soudam story

I don't think I've ever written in third person, so if it's bad I am soso sorry

I dunno when this will be updated, since I'm not even done with my other story yet, this was just something I wrote at midnight while watching "No Game No Life" :,3

also I may not do anything with this at all, I dunno u.u

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Mar 13, 2021 ⏰

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