Betrayed!! - A Boy's Condition After Breakup........

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Look what You Have done....

I cant sleep Whole night

You took mah Breath Away

And Now I Cant even Die :(  

watchin you all night

Was something I've Dreamt of

You'll Leave me this way

Is something what I've never thougt of.....

           Life is so complicated

           you never know what is going to happen 

          Time is the toughest Teacher 

          You never know what it will teach you

I was always There for you but you never

thought me as ur own....!!!.... 

This Regret I Have....

Why I was There for yu all Along???? 

Look what You Have done....

You made me feel alright

But in a second yu broke ma <3 heart

into 1000 pieces </3 </3

And Now I cant even Cry  :'( 

Sometime Back You were Mine......

But now it hurts mah Heart 

Seeing Your name....!!!....... 

Loook At Me...

Look into my Eyes.....

Can  You see someone searching His Life?? 

C'mon loook At me now....

Look into mah Heart...

Do You See Someone Still trying to heal the wounds which you gave???

Oh! I am Sorryy... I jus forgot

that You Dont care for me anymore

It was me Who supported you in your bad times...

But now i Think I was Fooolish

and Stupid To Be So Kind....... >.< 

This things which I am saying are

on mah Mind and not in my Heart 

 But Inside I still Lone Mah Girl <3 :* 

I Love You More than Anything Else

And This no1 Can Denyy....!!!!.....

Thing I am Saying

Not gonna Say ever my girl....

Cuz Without You I'm Gonna Die :(

It Dusnt Matter How Hard I Tried

At the End of the DAy

It was a Lie???

And You were The Liar I Guess...!!!....

I am Saying these Things

Cuz I know that You Are never

Gonna Be my Again....  :(

Loook what You've Done

My HeaRt Is Crying

But my eyes Are Dryy...

Look what You've done

My Brain Is Laughing At Me

For the Stupid Things I did....

Look what You've DOne...

I don't know what to do....!!!

I don't Know why i Am alive...!!

Look what You've done ...

I dont wanna see my Face Ever Again!!!!

From Now i Hate myself...

N the world Around Me Would Have Be The Same Again...........

Look what You've done ...

Look what You've done ...

Look what You've done ...

Betrayed!! - A Boy's Condition After Breakup........Where stories live. Discover now