Professor's baby - I

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"Minna, congratulations on becoming an adult! Kampai!"


Cups of glass clicked into each other as a group of college students celebrated their coming of age, 20th old, to finally be able to drink alcohol.

However, one particular pale blue-haired is not enjoying this event, holding on to his glass of alcohol when everyone in the group has drunk theirs.

"Mou! Kurokoicchi!! Don't ruin the fun!!! Kampai!!!!" The yellow-headed who sits next to him raises his refilled glass of alcohol to the pale-blue haired face, then drinks it, telling the pale-blue haired to follow his step, but Kuroko only stared back with his usual poker face. Not moving an inch. He is not going to fall for that trick.

To be honest, he did not want to be here at all. The music is loud, the atmosphere reeks of dust, the smell of alcohol makes him sick in his stomach, the flashing lights make his head hurt, and if he let himself lose to these things. That will be the biggest mistake he will ever make in his life.

If it is not due for his parents, he would not even come here nor stop foot inside such a shady place.


"Tetsu-chan, you need to go party like any normal young adult would do." His mother peeked at what he was doing, but in response to what her mother said, he continued doing what he was doing, reading.

His mother pouted.

A few hours ago, he received a text from Kise about them celebrating their coming of age, 20th, the ages in Japan to legally drink alcohol, but he rejected the idea immediately.

Knowing his friends, he knew it was not going to be a peaceful celebration. Probably some drama there and here, especially between Aomine, Kagami, and Kise. If that is the case, then he rather sits at home and reads, finishing all the books he recently brought and University is about to start soon. He needs to prepare for it.

He sighs, knowing Kise, that yellow-headed probably had asked his parents to help them persuade him to go with them. He can totally imagine those puppy eyes begging with crocodile tears. 

"Right, Tetsuya. Listen to your mother. Go out and have fun. Stop staying in your room." His father came along and went to the other side of Kuroko doing the same technique as his mother.

Kuroko gave no response as he continued reading.

Seeing how stubborn Kuroko is, his parents eyed each other and a flash of light hit their eyes. They both nodded.

"Tetsuya, listen to us. We love you and want the best for you. Just this once, can you please go out and have fun with your friends."

"Tetsuya, if you go we will do anything you want."

"Yes, yes, yes, Tetsu-chan you heard your father, he will buy you anything you want and go out and have fun. Pleaaaaassseeee!!!"

"Nee Tetsuya, nee Tetsuya, blah. Blah. Blah. Blah..."Those words of his parents have become background noise to his ear. He sighed lightly as he closed his book, nodding to his parents.


His parents hugged him, jumping up and down.

"Ah! Tetsuya, you can wear my suit to the party." His father said happily as he walked out of his room to get the suit.

"Suit?" He questioned. Why would he need a suit? They're just going out and drinking in a restaurant, which he assumed.

"Kise-kun told me that they are going to the Emperor Nightclub for celebration, and you have to be formal to get in."

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