-later-Luke had asked his dad to help him prep for the party, he knew Wanda would try hard to wow him so he wanted to return the favour. He told Clint he liked Wanda despite the fact he already knew about the pair."she'll love this look kiddo." Clint joked, noticing a glimpse of fear in Luke's eye "you ok son.""yeah, just worried. The last time we had a party Ultron woke up and attacked us, cracking two of my ribs. I guess I'm just worried something similar will happen" Luke responded with a worriedness clear in his voiceThe outfit Luke had pieced together consisted of a plain white short sleeve t-shirt, navy blue blazer, jeans and his suit's boots.-meanwhile with Wanda-"Nat, can you help me create an outfit for tonight to impress Luke" Wanda called out"of course, I overheard Clint recommending blue to Luke, so I'd recommend a tight black dress with these fishnets, black heels and your red jacket" Nat responded"but isn't it your red jacket?""not anymore, I can tell Luke thinks it looks better on you than me"as Nat finished Wanda's makeup the girls walked towards to lounge where the party was happening, as they turned the corner Nat rushed ahead to Clint to prepare the surprise the entire team had for Luke and Wanda. They didn't tell Thor as he was not the best at keeping secrets, he could if he tried hard enough but even then he wasn't great at it."hey cap, give us one of your wise old-timer speeches, would ya" Luke begged"Yeah, go on" the rest of the team all agreed in somewhat unison."fine alright, seven of us survived the Chitauri, two of us survived the hydra experiments, four of us have the power of these infinity stones in us but all 10 of us survived Sokovia in the toughest battle of our lives so far. There will be many more fights to come and stronger enemies to fight, but we will beat them together as one." the captain spoke. once he finished everyone erupt into a cheer except Pietro"hold up a second 'four of us get our powers from the infinity stones' I mean three are obvious: me, Wanda and Vision but who is the fourth" Pietro stated directing it to everyone"well four have become seen in the last few years but it could be any of the six" Thor responded looking just as puzzled as half the team"Just think about it, the only other person here with a power is Luke" Nat said as if she was interrogating him"I've hidden this for far too long, I was born in the year 1998, at the age of 18, I moved to a place called Kamar-Taj in Tibet where I met Dr. Stephan Strange, the sorcerer supreme, he's currently working one of his final shifts before he goes there. I came into contact with one of the infinity stones as I now know that he will slash is to be charged with protecting it, the time stone, the fifth of six. But somehow it blasted me with a rouge chronon blast by its self and blasted me back in time to 2010, 2 years before the Chitauri invasion, so I joined shield under a false name and only told Nick and Maria, they believed me and helped me hide the truth until Clint arrived back from New Mexico where Thor was, and I told him and Nat who were both somewhat wary to believe it but I passed Clint the necklace he gave or will give younger me and recognized it and trusted me. The only other person at this point in the timeline who knows is the present-day sorcerer supreme, who isn't Strange. I told her as she is currently wielding the time stone but she didn't understand much of my powers' capabilities. Now any questions" Luke said telling his backstory."so this is still in younger yous' timeline right and was grown up you in the timeline from younger yous' from your point of view," Thor asked."yes and yes""where is the stone?" Tony asked likely wanting a new toy"can't tell you as if I do I could be Marty McFly'd out of the timeline, which could do cataclysmic damage. Such as Vision not being made or Loki winning in 2012, or even Ultron never having existed leading to the twins not joining us.""so you have precognition, anything else?" Pietro added"yes but nothing else yet, I think they'll likely awaken more into chronometric manipulation""time-based powers that's why we call you Chronon Pulse" Tony joked joviallyAfter a while of the team asking Luke questions. but wisely avoiding future topics the team went back to drinking for about an hour until Clint and Pietro passed out beside the elevator, Tony went to his and Bruce's lab with vision probably to find a way to locate a second infinity stone. Nat, Bucky, Rhodes and Sam went to the training room probably to work the alcohol out of their system and lastly Thor and Tony's kinda adopted son Peter Parker otherwise known as Spiderman went to the kitchen, Peter was too young to drink being 13, the three of them probably took him there to give him some food before he went bed. That just left Luke, Wanda and Steve in the lounge who had fallen asleep on the couch, and Luke and Wanda heading back to their room after placing a blanket over Steve. But as they stepped out of the living room area Wanda slipped on some alcohol most likely spilled by Clint or Pietro, as she fell towards the floor in a very ungraceful manner, Luke swung his arm under her back to catch her but was suddenly engulfed by a red and green mist, time seamed slower here yet also faster, as soon as they touched they were blasted apart, to opposite sides of the room in an explosion of red and green mist waking Steve, Clint and alerting Tony to a potential threat not knowing Luke and Wanda had caused it by accident."Sir, there was a massive power surge in the lounge area, I currently don't know what has caused the blast," Friday said to the pair in the lab."I'll go check, you stay here vision" Tony called to the android as he ran down the corridor towards the lounge- meanwhile -"I heard something, I think it happened in the lounge" Sam stated, worried as he didn't know who was still there."I'll check," Rhodes said but before he left the room Nat raced out the door"to slow, man" Bucky chuckled as he pats Rhodes on the backNatasha raced into the room mere seconds before Tony did. As they entered Cap was crouched by Luke's side feeling for a pulse and detecting one but weakened, Tony raced to him and Nat ran to Wanda who Clint was beside."they've both got a pulse, Wanda's is weak but it's there," Nat said relieved that the new avenger was safe, not realizing she was beside Luke."We should take them to the med bay till they wake up," Clint added"and get Esme to scan them for injuries, Luke made it so Esme could do that" Tony stated hoping his teammates were ok and uninjured.After Tony and Clint carried the pair over to the med bay where they sat their unconscious bodies on the beds and ordered Esme and Friday to check for any injuries"Mr. Stark, Miss Romanoff, I'm detecting unusual brain activity within both patients, readings show that Luke's base conscious now resides within Wanda's body and vice versa" Esme calculated within twenty seconds, here Jarvis or Friday would've taken a few minutes"say it as it is, they've swapped bodies" Tony concluded"I bet Loki was involved" Thor blurted out "this is the sort of thing he'd do. He turned me into Lady Sif once""Alright big guy, but the green in the dissipating mist was Luke's green, their powers must've reacted somehow" Vision stated. scientifically it was possible but the team didn't want to have them do it again."when they wake up they'll have a fright but we will all help them get used to it and potentially learn each other's powers," Cap said "leave them be, Bucky you take first watch, your the soberest"and with that, the remaining Avengers headed back to their rooms to get some rest. Early in the morning, Clint took over watching over Luke and Wanda not leaving their sides till someone took over from him at midday.

Living In Her Shoes : W Maximoff
FanfictionAt the Avengers post-Ultron party the team relaxes until when the last two: Wanda Maximoff and Luke Barton get up to return to their shared room, Wanda slips and causes them both to swap bodies with each other. could it be a blessing or a curse, wil...