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"That's enough, (y/n)..."

You looked over your shoulder. And you're met with that same gun-metal-blue gaze again. Only this time his usual soft Gaze was a glare. You don't think you've ever seen him get so tense.

"You and Farina are a pair. Two whores." The blonde taunted you. You smack Akaashi's hand away, catching the attention of a few others around you.

"Fuck off, you aren't my dad." You glared at the blonde girl before walking forward.

"Continue to talk about Farina like that and you'll find out just why they call me the Iron Dragon."

She swallowed hard before opening her mouth. Her disgusting mouth.

"Am I supposed to be scared?" She said rather loudly as if she wants more attention.

"(y/n)." Akaashi sighed. You give him a sly grin before turning back around. The blonde continued to run her mouth, going on and on.

Before she could get another word in, you right hooked her in the face, and then kicked her in the gut, launching her into the pool.

"That's why they call me the Iron Dragon." You fixed your gaze on the black-haired girl. "Would you like to join your friend?" To which she responded with a violent head shake as she backed off the chair. You scoffed and faced Akaashi.

"As for you. Do not ever get in my way again. You aren't my chaperone!"

"(y/n) you're crazy.." he chuckled. "But still, reckless."

You walked inside with Akaashi following behind you. You wanted to look for Farina, you've had enough of this bullshit.

"She might be upstairs." Akaashi held his hand out.

"I can walk by myself." You went ahead of him, walking up the stairs, entering an even larger space. You were greeted by the couple aggressively making-out against the wall.

You quickly looked away, paying no mind to anyone else, and stepping over the sleeping people. You grabbed Akaashi by the sleeve. He hummed in response.

"Who'd you come here with?"

"Bokuto and Kuroo." He smiled. You two found yourselves in a hallway, checking in each room, being sure to knock first so you don't see anything scarring.

"Farina!" You call out. "Come on I want to go home!" You open the last door, and there she is, being pinned up against the bed by Konoha. You furrowed your brows, neither of them noticed you entered, they continue exchanging saliva while ignoring you.

"Konoha." Akaashi leaned against the doorframe. The boy immediately stopped and held onto Farina, who did the same.

"A-Akaashi! Iron Dragon?" Konoha stuttered.

"Farina I want to go home. This party is a bust." You frown. The pounding music makes it hard to hear what anyone is saying.

"But I'm having fun!" Farina frowns while sliding her top back on.

"I just want to go home." You grabbed Akaashi's arm. Farina Sighed and cupped Konoha's face, kissing him gently.

"To be continued." She booped his nose before rolling out from under him.

"Thanks, Farina.." you sighed. "I'm sorry."

"Oh, it's fine! I didn't want to do it in this room anyway." She fixed her hair while dragging Konoha out by his hands. "After this come back to my place." The two flirted the entire way out of the house, even while we squeezed between people.

"Bokuto, Kuroo!" Akaashi Called out. "Let's get going!"

Farina hugged you. She was the kind of person who got emotional when she drank alcohol.

"I'm so sorry, I'll never drag you to these kinds of things again," she sobbed "I promise! I love you!" She hugged you tighter. You sighed and rubbed her back.

"You need sleep and water." You scolded Farina. Akaashi helped you get her into the car and buckle her up. The air felt cold against your skin. You smiled, enjoying the feeling.

"Hey Konoha, make sure she drinks water tonight okay? I don't want to deal with her hangover the next morning." You lean against the window. He smiled.

"I'll take care of her, no worries."

"No funny business, she's drunk." You dig your dinner into his forehead. He winced.

"Wouldn't wanna piss you off." He awkwardly laughed and shook his head. "But no, she's in good hands." He smiled before rolling the window up and backing out.

"You aren't going with them?" Akaashi looks at you. You shake your head.

"Normally I wouldn't leave her alone with a guy, but he's okay. Besides he knows I'd destroy him if he hurt her." You smirk.

"Sounds about right." Akaashi opened the door for you and you stepped in. He hopped in next to you. You look over your shoulder, Bokuto and Kuroo are asleep in the backseat on top of one and other.

"They look cozy." Akaashi only nodded in response as he looked in his rearview mirror. He backed off the curb before driving away. He has the radio on low, the station wasn't very stable so the connection was buzzing.

"I forgot to say," Akaashi paused "you looked nice tonight." He had a small smile across his face, the moonlight shining through the window made him look like he was glowing.

"Thanks..you too I guess." You slouched in your seat and rested your cheek in your hand. The feeling of butterflies swarmed your stomach. A warm surge traveled throughout your body.

"I guess? Did I not look good tonight?" He teased.

"No, you looked really good." You sit up. "You didn't look really good- but you looked good? But not bad either." You pondered for the right words.

"You looked nice tonight Akaashi!" You brought your knees to your chest and buried your face in them.

A laugh escaped the setter's lips. He parked the car in a driveway.

"Help me wake Bokuto up." He got out of the car. You leaned over and shook him awake.

"We're at your house." He jumps up and falls out of the car, scooting back.

"The Iron Dragon!? Kidnapped me?!" He slurred his words and grabbed onto Akaashi.

"No Bokuto, her names (y/n). And I'm driving her home." Bokuto responded with an 'oh.' Once Akaashi finally managed to get him into the house he came back to the car and drove off.

"Is he normally like that?"

"More or less."

"Hey, Akaashi." You asked. He responded with another hum.

"Why do you take it upon yourself to care for people? It isn't your job." He stayed silent for a moment. The silence was no longer awkward, it was comforting in away.

"Not sure. I've always been that way, why do you ask."

"Just curious." You yawned. Your eyelids felt heavy and your head began to wobble.

"If you want to sleep you can, Kuroo's house is a little further so it will be a while."

"Whatever." You let your forehead hit his shoulder, you yawned again and your eyes became watery. Only seconds later you fell asleep, with your head against Akaashi's Shoulder.

He smiled softly, glancing at you then back at the road.

The Iron Dragon - Akaashi x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now