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You sat up in your bed. You wiped the saliva off of the corner of your mouth. You looked around your now sunlit room. Last you remember you were sitting in the car with Akaashi.

You rolled out of bed. You were still in the satin set. You got changed so your parents didn't see it.

"How'd he get me in the house without my parents seeing him? Is he a magic man or something?" You furrowed your brows and changed into something comfy before you made your way downstairs.

"Stupid Kaashi'. Acting like a mother or something." You mumbled under your breath.

"Mom? Dad?" You called out. No reply. You knocked on their door but no one was in there. You ran downstairs to check out the window, dads car was gone. So was moms. They probably got into another fight and left right before Akaashi dropped you off.

"You two act like children." You decided to take the trash out and put in new garbage bags. You cleaned up the kitchen and living room before sitting on your front step.

You perk up as you hear the sound of footsteps, fast footsteps. Someone was running. You got up and peered around the railing of your porch stairs.

Much to your surprise, you see Akaashi.

"Kaashi?" You blurted out. He stopped in his tracks and turned to face you, pulling an earbud out.

"Is that my nickname now?" He says while walking over and standing before you.

"It's a quicker way of saying your name at least." You sat back down and hugged your knees.

"Did you get to sleep alright?" There he goes, being a mom again.

"Yeah, I don't even remember entering my house. How'd you do it?"

"No one was home, and the door was left unlocked." Your heart sank, you grew embarrassed.

"I'm sorry my parents tend to be forgetful."  He sat beside you and smiled. You glanced over at him.

"I've got a game tonight."


"I'm on the volleyball team, Did you forget already?" He teased. You responded by sticking your tongue out.

"You should come, we're playing Nekoma Tonight."

"I don't care." You huff.

"Could you care just this once?" He frowned slightly. You crossed your arms. You would rather just stay home. You'd like to avoid any possible social interactions. But seeing him look like that tugged at your heart.

"What time is the game." Your eyes darted the other way. You couldn't see how his face relaxed into a soft smile.

"It starts at seven, get there at six before all the good seats get taken." He stood up and stretched.

"Alright. I'm bringing Farina." He hummed in response before jogging off, he seemed faster than he was before. A small blush decorated your cheeks, you felt the same swarm of butterflies in your stomach as you watched him round the corner. Nowhere in sight now.

"Stop being weird." You scolded yourself as you checked the mailbox and head inside. You sighed as you saw the red envelope.

"Dad needs to pay off his debts." You set the mail down on the counter and walked upstairs to go change. You tried to relax but your mind wouldn't let you, it was running laps.

You hate to admit it but you like having Akaashi around. He filled in that space where your parents should be, not that You don't like Farina's company. Hell, you love having her around! But Akaashi is just different. He's confusing and makes you feel all weird.

"Why does he make me feel like that." You went through your closet. You changed into a pair of jeans and left on the same hoodie you were wearing before. You washed your face and brushed your hair and got ready. You wanted to drop by Farina's for a little bit to avoid seeing your parents if they decided to come home. You left a note for them on the counter and packed bag before leaving. Locking the door. As they had forgotten to do...

"Is Farina Home?" You greeted her mother at the door.

"Yes, but she's asleep, come on in!" Her mom opened the door for you and you slowly walked inside.

"Thank you." You said while removing your shoes. Her mom smiled while walking back to the kitchen to feet the baby. You made your way upstairs to Farina's room and carefully opened the door before creeping in and shutting it behind you.

She had a large room, with a massive bed, a vanity, a huge window with beautiful mesh curtains. Her room had light blue walls with white shelves and face rose vines that hung off either side of the shelves, candles placed all over the room. Her room smelled like vanilla.

"I can only dream." You said as you sat down at her little cushion chair, you looked out the window and sighed. You'd give anything just to have this view. You turned around to see Farina slowly sitting up and stretching.

"Morning Farina."

"Oh (y/n)! My mom let you in I assume?"

"No I broke in, now give me all your food." You finger gunned her. She laughed while standing up, she was hungover so she was walking kind of funny.

"I have a pounding headache." She whined while running a brush through her hair. She pinched her hair between her fingers and folded it upward to make her hair appear short. Above shoulder length.

"I want to go this short, but would it look good?" She looked at you.

"It would look great on you. But I thought you were going to keep growing it out?"

"Well, I feel like I've looked the same for too long." She ran her fingers through her hair. You just laughed.

"Hey, Akaashi invited me to go see his game tonight. Could you come with me?"

"Not." She shot up.

"But I don't want to be alone In the stands, Farina!" You whined and she pranced over to you on her carpeted floor.

"Oh (y/n). He asked you out."

"No, he didn't."

"He did because I said he did."

"I- what?" You huffed. She just smirked at you.

"He wants you to watch him Play (y/n), he wants your undivided attention." Farina braided her hair over her shoulder and walked to her closet, she put on cute skinny jeans and a brandy top.

"Besides, I'm going to the beach with my family and cousin, Ikuno. Her boyfriend plans to propose tonight too." She said while putting earrings on.

"Tell the soon-to-be-Mrs I say Congratulations." You smiled. Farina nodded and pat your shoulder.

"You'll be fine, just don't overthink alright?" She slipped on a pair of socks.

"I'll try. And nothing weird is going on between me and Akaashi, he and I are just friends."

"Sure you are. Now let's go eat my mom made some waffles and they smell amazing." She dragged you out of her room and down the steps into the kitchen.

The Iron Dragon - Akaashi x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now