Chapter one: meeting a stupid graffiti bunny

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Emo panda had just gotten back from star bucks with her favorite coffee; a depressoexpresso topped with sadness and some whip cream. She was making her way back home until she heard someone arguing.

"I'm just saying, she has a good reason to not support that group!" One man said

"Your such a bootlicker!" Yelled a black bunny; behind him was something spray painted on the wall. As panda got closer she saw it read 'unfollow these ppl because they don't support a hate group!" Under his messy writing was a list of people.

"Your harassing people for not liking what you believe in!" The guy tried to reason.

"I'm an artist! I can say what I want!" The bunny yelled. Panda flattened her ears; not liking loud noises. The guy gave up and left; as the bunny went back to work, yelling to unfollow the people on the wall. Panda thought for a moment; wondering if she should help this bunny understand the error of his ways. Panda thought she would try and be good for once; so she walked up to the bunny.

"Um, you know a LOT has come out about that hate group you support right?" Panda says, trying to stay calm. The bunny was obviously stupid; that fact that he supported a hate group was clear enough. The bunny looked at her; confused. As if caught off gard; he obviously didn't expect anyone to try and show him some logic.

"I'm gonna try to go easy on you." The bunny said; trying to sound scary. He was all bark and no bite though. Panda then explained why bunnies view points on life were harmful. The more facts panda presented, the angrier bunny got; Eventually he screamed.

"No I'm done! I'm not gonna argue with a fucking idiot anymore! If you don't agree with me and not follow the hate group then your racist, trans phobic, and a retard! And your not going to silence me! The police don't arrest me because I'm illegally graffitiing on private property, they do it to silence me! Well ya know what? My name is Luke! I'm a trans graffiti bunny! And no one can-" panda had stabbed Luke in the back of the neck; hitting a major artery. Luke was dead within seconds. No body around had seem to care; and some had even started clapping and thanking panda.

"Well Luke, how about I make you see the error of your ways" panda had started dragging Luke away to her house; already getting excited over everything she could do to poor little Luke.

Graffiti Bunny and Emo pandaWhere stories live. Discover now