Aaron The Curious Merman

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Deep down in the beautiful ocean, mermaids and mermans flocked to the royal palace of Atlantica.

“Ahem… His royal highness, King Triton!”

A seahorse announced.

Triton came into the room, carried by a carriage of seahorses, followed by cheering and clapping.

“Presenting the distinguished court composer, Horatio Thelonious Ignatius Crustaceous Sebastian!”

The crab, Sebastian, also entered the hall, coming to the King’s side.

“I’m really looking forward to this performance, Sebastian.” The King said.
“Oh, Your Majesty, this will be the finest concert I have ever conducted. Your daughters they will be spectacular!” Sebastian boasted.

“Yes, and especially my son Aaron.”

“Yes, yes, he has the most beautiful voice. .” .

Then he said to himself. “If only he'd show up for rehearsals once in a while”.

Sebastian proceeded to the podium and started directing the orchestra, as Triton's daughters came out to sing.

Ah, we are the daughters of Triton.
Great father who loves us and named us well:
Aquata, Andrina, Arista, Attina, Adela, Alana.
And then there is the youngest in his musical debut,
Our only little brother, we're presenting him to you,
To sing a song Sebastian wrote, his voice is like a bell,
He’s our brother, Ar-. . .

The girls gasp as the shell opens and Aaron was no where to be found.

The King got up angrily.



Meanwhile, Aaron, who was supposed to be at the concert, was currently checking out a sunken pirate ship with his best friend, Flounder.

“Aaron wait for me.” Flounder yelled.
“Flounder, hurry up!”

“There it is. Isn’t it fantastic?”

“Yeah . . . sure . . . it - it's great. Now let's get outta here."

“You're not getting cold fins now, are you?"

“Who, me? No way. It's just, it, err . . . it looks - damp in there. Yeah. And I think I may be coming down with something. Yeah, I got this cough.”

Flounder faked a cough making Aaron roll his eyes

“All right. I'm going inside. You can just stay here and - watch for sharks.”
Aaron said and then went inside the ship.

“Okay, yeah you go and I’ll……what? Sharks? Aaron!!!”

Flounder screamed frightened and chased after the boy. He enters the ship through a window, but he doesn’t fit through.

“Aaron . . I can't . . . I mean- Aaron help!”

Aaron swam over to him and laughs amusedly.
“Oh, Flounder.”

“Aaron do you really think there’ll the sharks around?”

“Flounder, don't be such a guppy."

“I'm not a guppy.”

Aaron pulled him through the pothole with a plop.

“This is great - I mean, I really love this. Excitement, adventure, danger lurking around every corn….” He pauses as he sees a skull.

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