Lost Proposals

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For a moment the man who stood in front of Storm was silent. His face remained still and no emotion flickered through his eyes. Unsettled by his silence she looked down at the filth covered boards beneath her feet.

"You aren't Jolene"

The statement caught her off guard and Storm's eyes shot up to meet the man's in front of her. She had already guessed that they weren't meant to capture her, but now she knew that they wanted Jolene too. As she went to reply, the man cut her off.

"Jolene and Mollie Night have black hair, you don't. You speak with a strange accent. Who are you?" His voice was rough and was tinged with malice.

Inwardly Storm cursed at herself. How could she have possibly forgotten that she had an unusual accent? After all the fuss everyone at Rose Manor and Rose Harbour had made of it? That must have been why he was so shocked when she asked who he was. Her silver eyes stared defiantly into his green ones and were returned by a slight hint of amusement, however short it was there for.

As the two watched each other, a thought slowly dawned on her. This man in front of her resembled Vincent a lot which meant that they were more than likely related. Him being here meant that Vincent probably had something to do with their capture. A small frown crinkled across her face as the realisation hit.

That was why he was late! It hadn't just been bad timing, he must have been meeting with the pirates to arrange our kidnap! I wasn't just being paranoid, as soon as we go close to the jungle we were being watched!

A mixture of feelings washed over Storm. Despair, anger, sadness, but worst of all failure. Turning her head to look at Mollie laid unconscious on the floor, the feeling grew even stronger. She had failed to keep her safe. Although it wasn't her job or her duty Mollie was her best and closest friend and Storm had always tried to protect her. If only she had listened to her gut feeling and made them leave the jungle and return to the Manor.

"Something wrong, sweet?"

The hint of sarcasm in his voice took her attention back to him. He was looking at her with a dark humour twinkling in his eyes. Ignoring his question she looked him straight in the eye and stated,

"You are Vincent's brother"

It was a guess, but a good one. The man hadn't looked much older than Vincent so he was too young to be his father. From his reaction she knew that he was. The humor had gone from his face and a calm mask settling over it.

"You ignored my question" He spoke casually, but his eyes held a steely gaze.

"You ignored my question"

Storm stepped closer to the bars again as she spoke. It surprised her at how confident she felt and how quickly any trace of fear left had vanished.

"You are a prisoner. I am not. Answer my questions" The command was demanding, but Storm dismissed it.

"What's your name, Vincent's brother?" Saying Vincent made a short surge of anger pulse around her body. How could they have all fallen for his charms?

The man visibly stiffened slightly before folding his arms across his chest.

"You still haven't answered my questions"

"I can't remember your questions"

"Who. Are you?" He watched her intently waiting for her answer


"Storm? That's an.. unusual name"

She could see him thinking about it, whether it was really her name or not. It wasn't, but it was the only name that she had,or at least, the only name she could remember. He nodded and let out a long breath through his nose.

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