New Love

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I don't know if I should go to the library or not but I decided I might as well. As long as my dad doesn't find out I'm talking to a homosexual I'll be fine.

I walk into the library and look around for Mckenzie. I see her over by one corner reading a book.

"Hey," I say as I walk up to her. 

"Shhhhh," the librarian says. 

I look at Mckenzie shocked. 

"It's okay," she whispers. "Just make sure you don't speak too loudly."

"Oh okay," I whisper back. "So what are we going to talk about."

"Well, it's actually pretty simple. I'm just going to ask you a few questions." Mckenzie pulls out her notebook and it looks like she is a proper reporter. "So my first question is why is a woman and a man dating considered right."

"It's always been that way," I say. "It's the proper way and the right way."

Mckenzie rolls her eyes. "You didn't answer my question. I asked you why it is considered right not, is it right."

I think about my answer. "I don't know." My whole life my parents have told me that a woman marrying a man is the right way and the proper way but I never knew why.

"Exactly," Mckenzie says. "Now, tell me. Why is it wrong for a woman to date a woman."

"I don't know it just is," I say.

"Really," Mckenzie says raising her eyebrows. "So a woman marrying a man is right because it is proper but a woman dating a woman is wrong because it just is."

I realize what she is saying. I always believed that a woman dating a woman was wrong but really I don't see the problem with it. "Your right. This whole time I have been thinking you guys are the problem but really it's people like my dad."

Mckenzie nods. "See that wasn't so hard." We both start laughing. 

I don't know what it is about Mckenzie but she makes me feel something that I've never felt before. It's probably just because I've never had a real friend before. But, this feeling is different. This feeling is like millions of butterflies in my stomach. I feel nervous, excited and I feel like I want to laugh and cry at the exact same time. 

I try to bury these feelings deep down but the more I hang out with Mckenzie the stronger these feelings get. The next time we hung out she introduced me to her friends. There's Jason, Lachie, Isabelle, and Stacey. They're all really nice especially Jason. He kept sitting next to me and trying to make me laugh. 

One time Mckenzie and I we're at the movies and we both reached into the popcorn bowl and touched hands. I looked at her shocked and she just laughed at me. I laughed as well but it sounded like a dying dolphin. I don't know what to do so I ask Mckenzie for help. I'm not going to tell her that these feelings might be to do with her because I'm pretty sure that would just make things weird.

"Hey, Mckenzie," I say to her one lunch.

"Hey, what's up." She comes and sits next to me. "You look nervous."

"Well, yeah kind of," I say nervously. She looks at me confused.

"What's wrong," she asks me.

I look at her nervously. "There is this person who I think I like but I don't know. Whenever I see them I get butterflies in my stomach. They make me feel special and they make me laugh and smile and every second of every day all I can think about is them. There the last thing I think about when I go to bed and the first thing I think about when I wake up. I have never had these feelings before and I don't know what to do."

I start getting all work up so Mckenzie gives me a hug. "Calm down," she says. "It's okay, these feelings are normal. You like someone."

She smiles at me. "What do you mean," I say.

"You have a crush on someone. Your head over heels for them. You want to kiss them and hug them. That's what I mean."

Oh no. I think to myself. This can't be right. How can I be in love with a girl. I don't know what to do. All my life I've spent hating homosexuals but now I have become one of them. What if my dad finds out. He would murder me. It's okay he won't find out. No one will tell him. Everything's all good. I sigh nervously.

"So, who is it," Mckenzie says.

"What," I say freaked out.

"Who do you have a crush on," she says. I look around the room. I can't tell her my crush is her. SHe doesn't like me back and even if she did it would just make things awkward. I look to my left and the first person I see is Jason.

"Jason," I say. She looks at me shocked. "Yep, I know, shocker."

"Wow, omg I am so excited," she shouts before quieting down. "Your first crush. You have to tell Jason. I know he likes you too."

"How do you know," I say nervously. If he likes me and he finds out I like him then he will ask me out and then what will I do.

"He always sits next to you and he is always trying to make you laugh," she says. "It's so freaking obvious."

I laugh nervously. "Yeah, I know," I say. 

"Well, anyway I have to go," Mckenzie says giving me a hug. "Also I'm telling everyone tonight."

Before I can say anything she grabs her bag and walks out of the cafeteria leaving me shocked and completely terrified.

The next day I arrive at school to find Jason waiting for me.

"Hey," she says nervously.

"Hey," I say. 

I keep walking but he stands in front of me. I think he's going to tell me something important and if it is what I think it is, then my life if over.

"Mckenzie told me," he says.

"Told you what," I say. "That peanut butter comes from peanuts."

He looks at me confused. "No, she told me you like me," he says.

"Oh," I say looking at him shocked. I knew it. "Okay, well that's nice but I better be going."

I go to walk past him but he stops me. "Will you just let me talk." I look at Jason. I don't want to but I kind of have to. He looks ta me and I nod. "Okay, when Mckenzie told me that you liked me I was really shocked. Not because I don't like you but because no one has ever liked me before. So, I've never really done this but would you like to go on a date with me and then maybe be my girlfriend."

I look at him shocked. Crap. I think to myself. I really didn't want this to happen. I have no idea what to say. If I say yes then I will have to pretend to like him which will be really hard for me to do but if I say no then he will ask why because everyone knows I like him and so if I said no that would be weird. I have no idea what to say but I finally make my decision even though I know I will regret it.

"I would love to," I say.

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