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Jenny slammed the car door behind her. Why did her whole life have to collapse at once? First Brad, now Hailey, what next? She felt betrayed and hurt by all her favorite people. How did Hailey think she could have a whole relationship without telling her? What kind of friendship was that? Why did everyone lie to her?

She started driving, wiping her tears and just wanted to get home, get into bed and stay under her blanket until she forgets everything. And to think Hailey was the first person she turned to after Brad broke up with her. And Hailey sat there, and comforted her. Of course everything's okay when you're in a shiny and fake relationship with a man who's not in your league. Why did she even need friends? All they did was lie, stab her in the back and use her.

"Why didn't you tell her?" Ben and Hailey sat on her bed, she played with the edge of the covers.

"I don't know... She always said I was just excited about you, that I'm too young, that my feelings aren't real.. I was too scared from her response."

He nodded. "Talk to her tomorrow, once she's calm, and explain it to her."

"I don't know if she'll be calm by tomorrow. She never walked away from me, even when we fought screaming and even when I wanted to slap her. She stayed and confronted me until we sorted things out, she never left. She really got hurt, I shouldn't have lied to her." Hailey buried her head in her hands.

"It's okay Hailey, people make mistakes. And if she's a good friend she'll give you another chance." He stroked her hair and pulled her closer to him.

"Will you stay tonight? I want a hug." She said with a childish voice and cuddled him.

"Do you really need to ask?" He leaned his head on hers.

Hailey's phone rang, it was her mom. "Hey mom!"

"Hi honey, how was your day?"

"A little sad. I'm gonna miss it." Hailey smiled.

"I didn't think otherwise. Are you alone?"

Hailey looked at Ben. It would be weird if she said he was at her place at this time. "Yeah, why?"

"Carl called me." Alice said and made Hailey close her eyes with anger. "Twice."

"Did you answer?"



"Hailey.. We can't just erase him-"

"Why not? He erased us."

"I agree with you. But he called me crying today Hailey, you're his only daughter. Maybe you should talk to him once and see what he has to say? So that he'll stop?"

"I need to think about it."

"I also understood that he tried to talk to you already? You didn't tell me."

"Yes, I.. I didn't tell you cause I don't think it's relevant, I don't want him back in our lives. Why would I hurt you and talk about him? I can't believe he even called you."

"I get it Hailey, but we're partners. I want to know about those kinds of things, just like I tell you. Okay? We don't have secrets."

Hailey bit her lips and felt the guilt eating her inside. Her fears were controlling her, and her secret was only getting more oppressive and complicated. She will tell Alice, but soon. Not now. "Okay. I'm sorry."

"It's alright. Don't think about this now, go get some rest. Decide tomorrow what you want to do."

"Okay, thanks for letting me know.. Goodnight." Hailey finished the call, put down her phone heavily and threw her head back.

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