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Summary: After Neil Hargrove is found guilty of domestic abuse, Hopper offers Max and Billy to move into his home. You, being his daughter and Billy's girlfriend, help them out with moving in.

Warnings: English is not my first language. Sorry if I misspelled something. Mentions of abuse. Slight mentions of sex.

It's been a week since Neil Hargrove had his trial. You still remember clearly how nervous both Max and Billy were. How they feared the words of 'not guilty' come out of the judge's mouth. How your dad, Hopper, held Billy's and Max's hands the whole trial. And how they reacted to the sentence.

Susan was devasted, to say the least. While Max and Billy were in shock for most of the time.

Billy, now 18 years old, could've just moved out of Hawkins, but he didn't. Max was still under Susan's custody, but that was thankfully taken care of by your dad, who offered them housing the day after the trial.

And your dad, well, he has an obvious soft spot for the Hargrove children. Ever since you started dating Billy, Billy had never disrespected your dad in any way, and Max and Eleven becoming best friends was just the cherry on top of the cake.

Hopper was officially a soft chief of police.

You like the relationship your dad and your boyfriend share. Hopper is always making sure that Billy is okay, and when he was still living with Neil, he would always visit the house to just 'talk', when in reality, he just wanted to see if Neil had crossed his line again.

And he also made sure that Billy and Max knew when they were offered to live here, that he wasn't doing this only because of your relationship and friendship, but because he actually cares for their safety and he would want to make sure that they're 100% safe at all times (Joyce helped him out with that conversation).

El also emphasized that she would help with keeping everyone safe, which made Hop disagree completely.

Today was the day that Billy and Max were officially moving to your home, and everyone was extremely excited. Your dad took the day off his work to help out with everything and he even contacted your workplace (part-time, since you're still a student) for you to stay home and do the same thing.

"Dad, you've said that three times already," You tell him as you put your bowl inside the sink to wash it.

"It's just in case you forget it," He says with a joking tone and you roll your eyes playfully.

"What are you guys talking about?" Eleven says when walking out of her bedroom and sitting at the table.

"Good morning to you too, sleepyhead"

Eleven takes a bite off her ego's before saying a 'good morning' back with her mouth full.

"Dad is trying to tell me, for the hundredth time this week," You say before sending a playful glare at your dad, who smiled, "That my bedroom door from now on can never be closed"

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