Chapter 19 "Stalking"

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In addition to reading Paulo Cognitio's book, I had another important task to complete before the expedition - to pass the last of the entrance exams for the fifth year.

The exam was not difficult for me, it was one of my favorite subjects, and I prepared for it long ago, but nevertheless, the exam day was pretty stressful. In addition, we wrote the exam in a tightly closed classroom (probably, in order to prevent a bird from bringing someone the right answers through the window), so when I finally got out of it, it seemed to me that I was born again and breathed oxygen into my lungs. Until I was completely happy, I lacked only one thing - to go to the toilet and wash myself with cold water. Actually, I decided to make this dream come true immediately.

On the stairs I ran into Tony.

"Hi! How are you?" he said with a smile.

"Hi! Fine, thanks. I've just finished writing an entrance exam."

"Wow! How did it go?"

"The result will come in a few days, but I think I've scored enough to get to the fifth year."

"Great then. But I will congratulate you when you know the result."

"Yep, it's logical."

"Well, I'm really happy to see you, but I have to go. I've got some stuff in my university to finish and I need to be there in less than an hour."

"Yeah, sure. See you."

"See you."

I came to the toilet, turned on the tap and put my hand under the stream. Life-giving moisture flowed pleasantly in my palm, gifting a feeling of freshness and coolness.

"Mmm..." I thought, "Just what I need!"

I raised my other hand to the water and bent over the sink to wash my face, when suddenly the door clicked and Jenkins appeared on the threshold.

"Hi! Missed me?" he said, approaching me.

I turned off the water and looked at him furiously. "What's the hell, Jenkins? This is a ladies toilet!"

"Yes, and it's a place where we are alone."

"Someone can enter it any minute."

"While my man is standing outside it is closed for visitors."

"Heck!" I thought, frantically going over the possible escape routes in my head. "During the week without Jenkins, I almost forgot about him."

But Jenkins remembered his methods pretty well. He came closer to me, unbuttoning his jacket at the same time. I felt a warmth in my lower abdomen, which was quickly turning into heat. Instinctively, I touched the cold sink, trying to bring my body into temperature balance. But, obviously, the advantage was not on my side.

I looked up at Jenkins and said earnestly, "Stop it, please. Let me go."

"It's not like I'm holding you, right? Your body is the one that feels attracted and doesn't let you leave. You already know that you can't defeat this, so why even struggle."

With the last words Jenkins teasingly moved his finger along my neck. His touch left a burning trail on my skin. I felt how desire to rip off Jenkins's clothes and press myself to his naked body was seizing my conscience. This feeling was much stronger than during our previous contacts. Struggling it was literally causing physical pain. Not able to endure anymore I fell into Jenkins's arms...


A couple of days later, Portonapoulos gathered us for another meeting. This time he decided to tell us about some features of the work of field archaeologists, the nuances of camp life, safety measures and other things that, in his opinion, could be useful to us. At the end of the lecture, he decided to take pity on our brains, melted in the summer heat, and in order to cheer them up a bit, he set us a task, offering to think about the solution and tell him next time.

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