Being the Boyfriend

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~Miyuki Kazuya's case~

Is it possible for your girlfriend to loose the love she has for you?


I think that depends on the the two who are in the relationship. Right?

My girlfriend of two years, (l/n) (f/n), is the cutest of all. She is very caring and understanding. Though recently, she still thought it was just a one-sided relationship. We've been going out for two years already, why did she even think of that?


It was entirely my fault. She gave me the realization how horrible boyfriend I was. Ever since we started going out, I am lacking on effort and affection towards her.

Opposite to her.

Even though we never had dates, and just simply school interactions, she never failed to show how she loves me.

Ah! Everyone was surprised that I have a girlfriend. They even asked her, why me?

First of all, how did it start? I knew her during middle school, and I felt calm being with her. When she confessed, I had this urge of not wanting any other guy to get her, so we started going out.

Though I said I would prioritize baseball, I didn't say all the time. She said it was totally fine, since she fall in love with the me who is playing baseball. I told her that I would honestly say anything to her, so she won't worry.

But then again, baseball is a big part of my life. I feel bad that she's going out with someone like me. I don't want to break up with her either, and thinking that she will be with another guy, it pissed me off. When she told me to put distance between us for the meantime, it really hit me how lost I was without her. A big part of me had lost already because I lost the regular roster, then I made her mad.

Anyways, it all went well when we had our first fight last time. It was totally my fault, but she was apologizing too. I sent her home that day. On the way home, I told her that I was removed from the regular roster. She got agitated, telling me that I was doing my best all this time just to be removed. But then I reminded her that I am injured.

When I told her, she teared up and apologized that she was so horrible towards me, that she acted like that knowing I am injured. She apologized that she should be looking after me.

But then, she is looking after me, more than enough.

How fortuname I am to have her!

"Miyuki, you are creeping us out." I returned to my senses as I heard Kuromachi's complain "What are you grinning on your own there?!"

"Clearly, he isn't listening at all. Miyuki-kun, even though you are removed from the regular roster, you are still part of the baseball team, a catcher, and also still the captain. So can you concentrate?" Nabe also complained and the other second years agreed. We are having this 2nd year only meeting by Zono here in the cafeteria, and it's early morning. I really don't know what's the point of this.

Listen to the members how they complain about us?

"Correction, my duty as captain was temporarily moved to Kuramochi. So I am just a merely listener here"

"Your feedback is still needed" Kuramochi again complained "also, a merely listener? You are not even listening at all!"

"I understand! I'll properly listen to all your complaints!"

"Sorry for interrupting! Cap I have delivery for you" Sawamura entered with loud voice

"Delivery? From?" I asked and he gave it to me, it's a bento "where is she?"

Percentage And Possibility (Miyuki Kazuya x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now