Happy Birthday, Miyuki Kazuya!

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Putting on his fall jacket, Miyuki turned to his roommate and grinned

"Well then, I'll be away for the whole day today. I'll leave things to you"

"Yes, sure. Have fun on your date, Senpai"

"Hahaha, I will"

Miyuki put on his shoes, remembering the promise he did with (f/n). The day he had his jealousy rage on, in which it ended up with a misunderstanding on his side, (f/n) asked him if he could free his birthday since she wanted to have a date with Miyuki.

He immediately said yes since they didn't have class, and they only have free practice that day. He excitedly told (f/n) the time and place they would meet up, and asked (f/n) that he would lead the itinerary that day.

Miyuki excitedly head out, holding his phone, sending messages to (f/n). However, as he was about to leave the Seido dorm, Maezono, Kuramochi and Kominato were about to enter

"Are you going somewhere?" Maezono curiously asked with a loud voice

"Yeah, I'm going out with (f/n) today"

"But didn't you have a battery meeting today?" Kuramochi reminded him "Sawamura was mentioning about it this morning"

"Meeting?" Miyuki curiously asked then made a deep thought "Is that today? Not tomorrow?"

"Everyone already left to see coach in his office" Kominato informed him, and they could see how pale his face became

"Did you mix up the date?"

Miyuki got his phone out and immediately called (f/n) as he head towards Kataoka's office. He was surprised though that (f/n) immediately answered it

"Uhm, actually"

"You have a battery meeting?"

"How did you know?"

"You mentioned about it, and I think you mix up the dates. It's fine, let's move the meeting time after lunch."

"Let's meet up at lunch. Let's eat lunch in a nearby restaurant. Sorry, and thank you"

"Don't worry about it and just message me if you are on your way" 

The call ended and Miyuki couldn't help but sigh as he immediately ran towards the office. When he arrived, everyone was waiting for him.

"Ah! You are late, Cap! What are you doing?!" Sawamura greeted him with loud voice

"No, sorry. Am I that late?"

"It's fine. We'll talk about our practice game this coming weekend. It will be our last practice game before off season, so since it's off today, I want all the catchers and pitchers to talk to Watanabe and learn about their batters. Saturday will be a double headers. I'll announce who will take which school tonight. Also, Miyuki, I wanted you to talk to Maezono and Kuramochi to check the pitchers as well. Here's the data Watanabe gathered"

"Y-Yes sir"

"What's wrong, Cap? You don't have energy at all"

"No..." Miyuki gazed down then put his hands behind him "I'm sorry. I'll make sure to look all of them later today"

"Do you have any plans today, Miyuki?" Their club president, Oota, curiously asked

"Ah, yes. Well, today is my birthday and since I knew that it's our off today, I arranged a plan before hand."

"Is that so? Well, it's fine. You already are doing your duty as captain and catcher more than enough. Also, I forgot to make it clear, I am not planning on letting you play in full inning." Kataoka commented back then handed the data sheet to Ono instead "Then I'll just give this to you Ono"

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