Chapter 18: April Fools Day

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I woke to a scream on the bright Thursday morning that was April Fools Day. Swinging my legs out of bed I ran to the second year dorms where I found Becca standing in her pajamas,  drenched in a liquid the color of mustard.
    "Oh those conniving little-" She said
    "What happened?" I said
    'Those little brats of boys came in and put a bucket of liquid over my bed that they charmed to spill the moment I got out of bed!" She groaned again and stomped off to the showers, mumbling some choice words about where she would like to stick her wand as she went.  I twirled my wand to get rid of the access liquid on the floor and went back to my dorm room, now carefully looking for any buckets. I hated to admit it, but I think the bucket trick was the smallest prank the boys were going to pull today.

I very carefully made my way to the dining hall, stopping every few feet to check around me for trip wires, alarms, anything the twins could've set in my path. I finally arrived at the dining hall- unpranked- and found Fred and Geroge sitting peacefully at a table.
    "Morning," I said caustalsy,  sitting down across from them,
    "Seen Becca this morning?" George asked looking around,
    "Yes, last I saw she was heading to the showers, covered in yellow liquid, any idea what that's about?"
    "No idea," He replied, grinning at me as I started to put some breakfast potatoes on my plate,
    "What?" I said, stopping as both twins looked at me expectantly,
    "Nothing," They said in unison, I examined my potatoes carefully, searing for any kind of prank they could've hidden in my breakfast, seeing nothing, I ate a bite and....nothing happened,
    "I can't wait for this day to be over," I said looking at the ceiling in disgust as the boys laughed at my cautious behavior,
    "Ah brilliant, your presents are here," I said pointing to two owls flying toward us. They got a box of Zonko's products each and immediately launched into a discussion on how to best use them.
    "I think I just aided in my own demise," I said to no one in particular. The twins' eyes gleamed at the thought of all the pranks they could pull and their mouths were pulled into identical michestevies smirks. George's faded quickly when he saw something over Fred's shoulder, I turned to find Becca, looking murderous, arms crossed, wand in hand,
    "Uh oh," George said, eyes wide and terrified. Becca stomped over to the table and as she got closer, I saw that her hair was yellow and even her skin had a twinge of the color.
    "George. Fildieon. Weasley." She said in clipped words,
    "Hey Becca, you're looking....sunny this morning." Fred joked lightly, faltering at Becca's glare..
    "Yellow dye?" I asked, with a raised eyebrow. George shrugged, hiding a grin
    "It's her favorite color."

All day long I waited for a prank to be pulled on me. Left and right people were falling victim to Fred and George's pranks, keeping their word of doing as many pranks as possible, even resorting to doing a couple muggle pranks as well- with a wizard spin on it of course. Hermionie's books had been covered in magical glue and that caused her to walk around with "Transfiguration Volume One" stuck to her hand all day. Ron had come out of the bathroom during a passing period grumbling something about Saran Wrap on a toilet seat- I didn't even want to know that one. Fireworks were lit off multiple times throughout the day, Harry was suddenly hung upside down by his ankle during potions class and Lee Jordan fell victim to a nose- biting teacup in the common room- I also noticed the Ravenclaw that asked Becca to dance heading to the hospital wing holding his bleeding nose.  By the end of the day everyone was either glaring at the twins, nursing minor injuries, or hiding in their common rooms to avoid any further pranking. I was doing the latter, hiding in my bed the curtains drawn nervously awaiting what I was sure would be a gruesome prank. My common room seemed safe, but obviously the twins knew how to get in here. A knock on the door caused me to peek anxiously from my bed,
    "Who is it?" I called,
    "It's me," Becca called, I opened the door and found her, still stained yellow wearing a guilty expression on her face,
    "I'm sorry," She winced stepping out of the way,
    "Wha-" I started to say but was cut off by the twins ripping off what I assumed to be Harry's invisibility cloak. Throwing a gallon of dungbombs into my room they added a couple stink pellets for good measure and ran away laughing their heads off as the smell started to leak from the products.  I coughed and covered my mouth, the overwhelming stink taking over the room. I covered my mouth with my hand and ran from the dorms, hoping to escape the stink. Becca stood by the fireplace a grimace on her face as she saw me run into the common room- I noticed as an afterthought that she was no longer yellow.
    "I'm sorry!" She rushed, "They told me the only way to get the countercharm for the dye was to help them prank you,"
    "It's fine, I've been waiting for it all day," I replied, honestly it was kind of funny, if you didn't count the fact that now my dorm room smelled like the inside of a badger's mouth. Hannah walked through the common room, complaining about a Fanged Frisbee being thrown over her head, by the twins.
    "I'm going to bed," She said starting toward the dorm,
    "Hannah, I wouldn't-" Becca started but I cut her off,
    "No, let her go." Becca looked at me in shock as Hannah screamed something like "Bloody hell!" and ran from the dorm room,
    "No wonder Fred likes you so much." She said.

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