Chapter 10

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You had spent hours after the first task in Hogsmeade village with the boys, of course in Zonko's, but also drinking butter-beer in the Hog's Head Inn, which hadn't really gotten any better looking during the time you'd been going there. The three of you had talked about the Yule Ball to which had Fred had replied he was thinking of asking Angelina Johnson; this earned him an absolute tidal wave of teasing remarks from both you and George, both of you insisting he'd never be able to score her even while you patted him on the back and encouraged him. Both of them had taken some interest in who you were going to take, joking that they were sure Dobby didn't have a date yet either.

"I don't know why I put up with the two of you really, but no, for your information, Katie Bell asked me this morning so I'm going with her." Fred's mouth dropped open and you were so focused on laughing at the drink almost coming out of it that you missed the way George seemed to sag back into his seat with slumped shoulders. "Merlin you two, I'm kidding! As if she'd ever ask me, and besides, I'm probably not gonna go anyway cause you know what's going to be empty...the kitchen, Sounds like a much better plan to me."

"You know what, for that, I'm taking back that Honeydukes' chocolate which I so kindly bought for you earlier." Before you had time to react, George leant right across you and while you were sat there frozen, not knowing what to do at all, he had snatched the bag from your left and pulled it back across with him. Blinking a couple of times to regain your composure you were quick to make a grab for your chocolate which had now started to be munched on. The trouble was, George had much longer arms than you, so no matter how far over you stretched, he was always able to keep your food way out of reach.

In one final attempt, you shifted right over on the seat and lunged directly for it. Too distracted by your victory to notice that you were now had one hand pressed on George's chest, it took both of them coughing for you to actually move.

"...sorry. Serves you right for taking it though." You scooted right back across the seat to put probably too much space between you two, something he definitely noticed. Fred was sniggering on the other side of the table, "And you, you could have pulled the older brother card, you know, helped me out a bit?"

Fred tried to put an innocent expression on his face while he shrugged, "I don't think you needed any help shortie, you looked pretty comfortable there."

Suddenly the fingers on George's gloves were much more interesting, "Whatever carrot top, finish your drink while I go pay." You were on your feet and walking towards the counter before anyone cold say something to embarrass you further.

With you gone, Fred turned very purposefully towards his twin and raised his eyebrows. "Tell me you're gonna ask her mate." George looked at him with a smile teasing the corners of his mouth and his head cocked to the side,

"Ask her to what Freddie?

"Don't play innocent with me you sod, you know exactly what I mean."

"She's not gonna go Fred, you know her, she's not exactly one for crowds is she?" Fred couldn't disagree with him on that, "There's no point asking her if she doesn't want to go in the first place." Nobody could have listened to that and not heard the badly disguised disappointment in his voice, "And anyway," he continued with a slightly lighter tone, "We'd only be going as friends so don't get your hopes up."

Neither of them had the chance to say anymore on the topic as Fred spotted you coming back around the corner. "You guys alright to start heading back? I'm pretty sure we've missed the carriages so we're gonna have to walk." They nodded in sync, Fred pocketing his Zonko's purchases and George making a final swipe at your Honeyduke's bag before you swatted his arm away. The three of you had made it a few yards out of the front door before you were frantically patting your head and calling that you'd left your hat inside and you were just going to grab it. 

Your hat was exactly where you'd left it but you made no immediate move to get it; instead leaning on the table for a second and taking a few breaths. The last part of Fred and George's conversation replayed in your head. You cursed yourself for thinking you could ever be anything more than friends despite the recent events but, no matter, you'd always been friends before and you weren't going to let this ruin it. With a final steadying breath, you grabbed your hat and rejoined the boys outside to start walking back to the castle.


"Are you kidding Hermione?! Victor Krum!" Your sister clapped a hand over your mouth with a rather mortified expression on her face. 

"Shhhhh, you don't have to tell the whole school Y/N/N." Even as she spoke, a giggly smile grew on her face and you prized her hand away from your face to stare at her in gleeful shock. Of course your sister was stunning, but never in a million years did you think she'd be so happy to go to the ball, and with none other than the Victor Krum. 

"Are you kidding 'Mione, how am I meant to not shout about this! Awwwh I'm so happy for you!" You pulled her into a hug and squeezed her tightly; you were pretty sure she was slightly shocked at this as she didn't react for a couple of seconds, but once she's gotten over it, she hugged you back just as tightly, both of you laughing all the while.

Of course, your good mood wasn't destined to last any longer than a few blissful minutes as directly in between your Gryffindor-Ravenclaw study hall hour stood Malfoy and Zabini, both of whom were wearing their normal evil smirks which spelt trouble for any non-Slytherins. "Shall we just go the other way round, it won't take-"

"Oi Granger!"

You sighed, and put on the most sickeningly sweet smile you could manage, "Which one Zabini? As I'm sure you've noticed, there are two of us, but I'm sure we'd both be happy to answer your query, wouldn't we Hermione?" This was a practiced act that the two of you had perfected a long time ago. Hermione matched your sugarcoated smile with her own,

"Oh absolutely, I simply have nothing better to do with my time."

Draco took a few steps forward, "Learn when to hold your tongues, you dirty-blooded freaks, you have no place to be speaking to your betters like that."

You rolled your eyes in frustration, "Oh piss off Malfoy, if you're so much better than us at the whole being a wizard thing, where are your test scores to prove it?" Hermione smiled faintly beside you, you did not have the talent for diffusing a situation like she did, most of the time making it worse for yourself instead.

"My father wi-"

"Will hear about this? Find a new catchphrase Malfoy, that one's getting old." Instead of being happy to hear the familiar voices which came from the two boys standing protectively either side of you, your frown only deepened.

In front of you, you saw Draco's expression morph into one of smugness, "Don't worry Granger, you can run to your knights in armour now that they're here to save you."

"I don't need saving you idiot," but he was already walking off  as you continued more quietly, "I was handling it." You sighed, knowing that he would count that one as a victory to himself, even if you were doing perfectly fine by yourself. As you turned around to give the twins a weak smile your sister grabbed your hand a squeezed it lightly before starting to pull you towards the study hall again. "You alright 'Mione? Sorry if I made it worse, I lost my temper."

"Hey it's ok Y/N/N, I would have shouted as well. Are you alright though?" Without even looking at her, you could tell she was giving you her concerned, pitying look, so you put a smile on your face as you answered her,

"Yeah I'm good, come on, I bet Harry and Ron have saved us seats so we better grab those before another one of those 'Oh Harry, I can't believe you're the Chosen One' girls or boys gets there before us." You mimed a swooning action with your hand but almost tripped over your feet in the process.

"You're not going to wait for the twins?"

"They know the way there, I'll save them a seat when we get in there, now come on!" You wasted no time in dragging her through the doors with a loud laugh which was quickly silenced as Snape turned round to face you.


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