Chapter 11

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You could feel Snape's glare on the back of your head once again as you tucked your legs under the table and pretended to start reading through your charms workbook. Hermione was still bright red opposite you, with both the boys staring at her intently, definitely not used to being on the wrong end of a teacher's temper, even if it was Snape and, to be honest, not really that bad of a scolding. Ron reached over to poke her cheek, a stupid idea really as it earned him a harsh swat in return. "Blimey Y/N, I think you've broken Hermione. She's read that sentence four times now."

"I am not broken, Ronald, I am simply comprehending. If you were paying attention during class I'm positive that you would be able to do that too."

You had to press a hand to your mouth to stop the sound of your laughter echoing across the room. Out of the corner of your eye you saw Harry doing almost exactly the same thing; it was rare that Hermione snapped quite like that at someone so you thoroughly enjoyed the times that she did.

Ron held somewhat of a shocked expression on his face, "Right yeah, sorr-"

"Weasley. 20 points from Gryffindor for your tardiness." Snape's voice made you roll your eyes even as Ron whipped his head round to protest, only to find that this time, he wasn't the Weasley in question.

Slightly regretting you'd chosen to sit on the side of the table with free seats to your left, you had no time to protest before the two of them slipped onto the bench beside you, high fiving under the table with matching grins. You sighed and turned to a random page in your book, it wasn't that you were mad with them, not even close, it was just that they'd turned up at the wrong time and you knew you'd suffer the brunt of it next time Malfoy and his gang cornered you. This rather worrying train of thought was lost when someone began repeatedly prodding you in the side; for all of their 2 years they had on you, they really did know nothing about approaching someone who might have been upset with them.

"I'm gonna break your finger if you keep doing that Weasley." The poking continued until you managed to grab whoever's hand it was with your own and pin it to the table. You turned to face the two of them who were both looking at you with expectant faces. George, who's hand you had, easily slipped out of your grasp and went to poke you again. "I'm serious George." He stopped. You calling him George was like a slightly less severe version of Molly calling him by his full name. Ok maybe a lot less severe, no matter how much you loved that woman like a second mother, she was incredibly scary, and hearing her run around the house shouting 'GEORGE FABIAN WEASLEY' at the top of her lungs was certainly one of the most frightening things you'd experienced.

"Hey, shortie? What's wrong?" This was Fred.

"Is it Malfoy again?" George this time.

"I mean technically yes it's Malfoy. You two just came in at slightly the wrong time. Don't get me wrong, thanks for sticking up for me, it's just the idiot's not gonna let that go next time he decides it my turn to be picked on." You cast your eyes downward as you shrugged, feeling both theirs and your sister's gaze on you. "Don't go all silent now, I'm sorry."

George bumped you, "S'alright Y/N/N, sorry bout that though."

"Yeah, we didn't mean to steal your moment of glory against that twat." Fred's gaze was kind as you met it though and any remains of frustration you had towards them disappeared in that moment.

"It wasn't just a moment of glory Fred," George started and you raised a brow, already dreading whatever he was going to say next, "It was gonna be her glorious, triumphant moment of absolute blazing victory!"

"There's no point trying to butter me up now Georgie boy, it's not going to do anything, unless you wanna get me food I guess." The nonchalant shrug that accompanied your words had them both grinning again before something Ron or Harry was saying caught their interest. You angled your body towards the conversation to listen in properly.

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