chapter 5 | jeon maya?

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me and minhyuk groaned at the sound of his alarm going off, we got up after cuddling for like 10 minutes and got ready for school. then i remembered i have hickeys all over my neck, then i remembered no one would care so i just left them.
"babygirl arent you uhm gonna cover them?" minhyuk said whilst pointing at my neck
"no, i want everyone to know i'm yours" i replied. minhyuk planted a kiss on the top of my head and we went to school where we met up with everyone at the front gates, and everyone stared at me with wide eyes since they were all over my neck including on my throat and i instantly hid behind minhyuk.
"can you guys stop staring at my girlfriend already, yeah man i know she's beautiful but shes mine" he said
"we can tell" jaeri said whilst laughing
"yo pyo what do u think of ahins neck?" taeil said
"uh what oh her hickeys, im glad shes finally getting laid, its about time ahin" he said and everyone bursted out laughing.

i linked arms with jaeri and ran away in embarrassment from what jihoon said. ew we were in maths class, i really dont want to be here. i grabbed my phone from my bag and started texting minhyuk.

minhyukie 💕

hey babe im bored

what class you in?

maths 🤢

wait there angel, lemme come get you

and in five minutes, minhyuk arrived bursted through the door, during lesson, walked over to my desk grabbed my hand and walked out. no one said anything once again because hes lee minhyuk, the boy who was feared by everyone. he sent cold, hard stares to every single person in that room. his eyes look so hollow, the dark brownness of them adds to that. once we were outside the class and the door was shut, everyone was staring in confusion about what on earth just happened, minhyuk started kissing me passionately in view so everyone could see. he started to kiss my neck, tugging on the skin leaving more purple marks all over it. once we were back to where everyone was ,besides jaeri she was still in maths class spamming my phone, i entered their korean class and just sat there in the spare seat infront of minhyuk. the teacher said nothing about it because i'm pyo jihoons little sister, and he was kay's teacher last year and knew what ji had done. their class wasnt as boring as my maths class it was actually fun, i mean i had minhyuk annoying me all lesson, and my brother watching me all lesson because i had more hickeys on my neck than i did before.

after class ended we went to the cafeteria to skip the next lesson because it was computing and no one likes computing. taeil and kyung got up to go get something to drink. i was about to stand up to go and get myself a drink when i collapsed, jihoon screamed for anyone to get me some water, because i was dehydrated, jaehyo ran over to the water fountain grabbed a cup and handed it to jihoon in order for him to pour it down my throat.
"minhyuk i think you should take her home, dont worry ahin we'll go see dad tomorrow. yeah? you need some rest" jihoon said calmly whilst holding my hand. minhyuk reached for his phone and asked for his mum to come pick us up.

once we got back to hyuks he placed me down in his bed and went and got a bottle of water and a straw and told me to drink it all, which i did.
"baby, you should get some sleep now"
minhyuk said quietly so he doesn't hurt my
head anymore.
i didnt need to say anything before minhyuk got into the bed next to me, he lifted my head onto his chest, held my hand and caressed it with his thumb and gave me little angel kisses on the top of my head whist playing with my hair and soon enough i fell asleep.
i dont exactly remember what time i went to sleep but now it was 7:57pm and my stomach made the loudest,deepest growl and minhyuk who was still lay cuddling me laughed
"i'm guessing your hungry huh?" he said to me
"well no shit sherlock" i replied jokingly.
minhyuk grabbed my hand and pulled me out of bed and dragged my down the stairs, i bowed to his parents and we decided to make some food. however whilst i was asleep, minhyuk stayed awake the whole time and about 5 or 6 pm mrs lee came in saying that dinner was ready, but she saw that i was asleep  on top of him and he didnt want to wake me. so mrs lee has put it in the refrigerator and we'll just heat it up in the oven, since it was only pizza. then we ate and went back to bed and cuddled because i miss him so much, even though i spend every moment of everyday with him.

once we went back to school the next day, i walked into the bathroom and there was a few people in there, and they stayed in there because i asked them too when they were about to leave. there was this one girl i dont like in there. jeon maya, half korean and half australian. i went into a cubicle and peed and then came back out to the sinks to wash my hands, and she was washing her hands 2 sinks down from me.
"hows minhyuk?" she said,
"yeah he's good, why do you care anyways" i said with a cold stern voice.
she grabbed my shirt and slammed me up to the wall and i smacked my head against the tiles on the walls, making me groan in pain.
"break up with him, leave the country and never speak to anyone again and i'll leave you alone" she said to me whilst stabbing my face with cuticle scissors and slamming my head against the wall further more times, cracking my head open and blood was getting smeared all over the wall, thats when i went unconscious. and thats when she realised what she had done and grabbed her stuff and ran out, to see minhyuk stood there waiting for me. "aw hello there minhyuk" she said whilst laughing and smirking, at first he thought it was odd, but he brushed it off as something that happened in the bathroom like one of them made a joke or something.

10 minutes later ahin still wasnt out the bathroom, i started to grow worried because even if she saw an friend they would of been done by now. i decided to call both jaehyo and jihoon because i was going to see if shes okay but i needed other people incase her heart collapsed on her or something, plus jihoon knew her the best. a couple of minutes later they arrived and asked me what was wrong, i explained that she hadnt came out yet and they both also agreed that it was super out of character for ahin, so we devised a plan. to go into the bathroom and see if shes okay.
when we went in (luckily everyone else left by then) we shouted around to her to see if she was still in the cubicule, and thats when jaehyo noticed something

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