chapter 2 | minhyuk

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"we're home"
jihoon said, and got no response, there were silence. i saw my brothers head drop.
"aishh i'm still not used to it, sorry ahin"
he said in a cracking tone, like he was..crying.. thats weird i thought like i said i've only seen pyo cry twice, at kay's funeral and our parents'.

our parents died in a train crash, only about a month ago. they both worked at the same law office in seoul, TM Law Firm, and it was a cold, winter  morning, a very stereotypical december morning and my parents left at 7:30 am, the same time me and jihoon leave for school. we wernt informed until the day after that they have passed. i'm not going to go into anymore detail than that because i cant bring myself to, its a very raw subject for me and jihoon.

after jihoon had said that he dropped his bag onto the floor at such a force, i thought he was going to break the floor if im honest, he didnt even bother to take his shoes off he just walked up to his bedroom and locked the door. now there is no way of getting that child out of his bedroom before school tomorrow, i needed backup.
about 10 minutes later my 'backup' arrived, jaeri and minhyuk, i let them into the house where they took their shoes off and both of their jaws dropped, like they saw my parents ghosts or something.
"...guys whats wrong?" i stumbled out
"its just im shocked at how clean everything is after you know you're parents passed, like aren't both you and pyo busy with school?" minhyuk calmly said,
"yes we are, but dont worry just because ji lives like a pig, i dont" i replied whilst chuckling, they laughed back.
"anyways whats you plan babes" jaeri said after we had finished laughing.
"right so i was thinking to make ji his favourite dish, which is bulgogi and tteokbokki with spicey ramen, can you guys help?"
i said but before anyone else could reply i also said
"since our parents passed we've not had that much money because we cant sort insurance stuff out so our uncle comes and gives us $20 a week for food and pens etc so we've been living off 1 meal a day, because we cant afford school lunches,  of convenience store ramen pots and i'm not telling you this because i want sympathy, its really hit ji hard, if you have seen him out of character minhyuk, thats why."
i finally finished talking whilst a couple of tears run down my cheek. minhyuk and jaeri instantly pull me into a group hug whilst minhyuk wipes my tears away with his thumb.

i've always liked minhyuk the most, hes the most caring out of them all, hes like a second older brother to me, when my parents died i went to minhyuk rather than jaeri, i know jaeri is my best friend and that i should of probably gone to jaeri, the girl i've known since i was born, but i didnt want to. something in my heart was stopping me, so i went to minhyuk instead. i'll have to admit i did date minhyuk at one point, for about 3 years when i was 13 and he was 15, (i know what your thinking ew the age gap, but we didnt care, no body else did) at first ji was not the most supportive person about our relationship not because of the age gap, but because he felt it was a bit weird his best friend dating his little sister but eventually he came to terms with it and loved that his best friend was dating his little sister because he got to hang out with minhyuk more.
on the other hand my parents were supportive since day one about mine and minhyuk's relationship i mean why wouldnt they be they've know minhyuk since he was about 3 and know how much of a caring person he was and when minhyuk asked my dad if he could date me, my dad was over thrilled with the request because at least he knew that his daughter was going to be dating someone good.  me and minhyuk broke up after 3 years, last november so its still a very raw breakup, and we both still have feelings for eachother i can tell he does, when im with my brother he always stares at me and comes and talks to me. if im honest i would love to get back with minhyuk but im not sure if he does or not. you know what i'll ask him tonight.

so minhyuk went to the supermarket to buy what we need, he even said he'll buy it all with his own money, how sweet. whilst back at home me and jaeri started getting some things ready. a hour and a half later we were done. the meal was complete, we actually ended making more than we needed so minhyuk and jaeri stayed for dinner. then it was time i went up to jihoons bedroom and knocked on it
"ji..its me ahin please open up"
i said in a quiet low voice. at first there was no movement then i heard the lock being opened, and there he was, pyo jihoon looking so pale in the face and with red, puffy, bloodshot eyes.
"is that bulgogi i can smell" was the first thing he said to me so i just took his arm and pulled him towards the dinner table and said
"i know you've been really down lately ji, so here"
whilst pointing towards the dinner table. the next thing jihoon would say made 2 of us go extremely quiet.
"oh hey minhyuk, are you back together with my sister yet?, you said you wanted to get back with her"
and thats when i knew it, i knew i had to talk to minhyuk immediately.
"minhyuk, a word please" i said in a quiet voice.
once we was far away from the dinner table not to be heard but we could still see them, i sat minhyuk down and said the following.
"is what ji said true?"
"i mean y-" but before minhyuk could finish his sentence i cut him of with a kiss, oh how i've missed these lips. theyre so soft, and plump, i could taste his strawberry chapstick on his lips. he smiled against my lips and said
"thank you ahin, i missed you"
"i missed you too min"
and with that we walked back to the dinner table where we were greeted by my brother and my best friend laughing and clapping and cheering for us. of course i went bright red, so did minhyuk. yes i still like yookwon, minhyuk knows that, there nothing anyone could do to change that, hes my first love after all.

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