Just me testing out my skills for writing official documents. :D
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Item #: SCP-4701, "The Reader" or "(Y/n)"
Object Class: Euclid
Special Containment Procedures: SCP-4701 is to be contained in a recreation of a comfortable 1950's style living room in site-19. Additionally, the adjacent observation/interview room must look like a fireplace to SCP-4701's perspective. Standard quality-of-life considerations apply. The Site-19 humanoid anomaly psychologist is to interview SCP-4701 weekly, to ensure continued mental health of the subject, whilst also obtaining knowledge of SCP-4701's abilities. SCP-4701 is a humanoid, sapient anomaly and is granted limited access to literature and musical media that may be revoked at any time.
Description: SCP-4071 is a humanoid entity of [REDACTED] origin. SCP-4701 is approximately [REDACTED] meters in height and [REDACTED] kilograms in weight. SCP-4701 is believed to have omniscient-like abilities, making it able to forespell what will happen in its near surroundings. These foreseeings can range from [REDACTED] months past to [REDACTED] months in the future. Different actions that vary from what SCP-4701 deemed was going to happen, would change the outcome of the seeing, but this does not happen often. SCP-4701 is notably fluent in several languages.
SCP-4701 was recovered after its birth parents reported it to the local church several times after finding out about its abilities. When the retrieval team arrived at its resting place, SCP-4701 was seated in a corner in the basement. SCP-4701 was wounded, frantic, and suffering from malnutrition, due to its parents thinking its abilities were the devil's work. It offered no resistance to the retrieval team. SCP-4701 was moved to Site-19 shortly after its recovery.
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AlteleHave you ever had an idea, that is worthy enough to write about, but not good enough to write a whole book about? If that happens to me, I just put them in here! If you think one of these one-shots ARE indeed good enough to write a whole book about...