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After leaving Farina's house, you walked to school. It was getting dark out.

"Stupid volleyball." You pulled your hood up and buried your face inside of your hoodie, glaring at the large gym as it came into view. It was six-thirty now, the game hasn't started yet.

You walked into the building, pulling your hood down halfway before walking to the main gym. It looked like a stadium almost. There were tons of people on both sides already, most of the good seats were taken up.

You made your way up a set of stairs and walked through people, some people recognized you and moved out of the way. You sat down in a front-row open seat.

The sound of sneakers squeaking against the gym floor flooded the entire gym, along with the people talking. It was so loud.

"Too damn loud." You rubbed your temples and shut your eyes tightly. When you reopened them you're met with another pair of eyes staring right at you, straight from the court. Akaashi.

He waved to you and smiled softly, you waved to him and he turned back around d and focused, he set the ball to Bokuto who spiked it so hard you thought the ball was going to pop.

You examined each team and it's most noticeable members. Especially a tall, Lanky, foreign-looking guy on the Nekoma team.

"He's got the height advantage." You yawned while scanning the room once again, deciding to keep your eyes on Akaashi. The announcer came onto the mic and announced that it's time for the game to start, the captains of each team shook hands with each other with a wide grin plastered across their faces and sweat dripping from their cheeks.

The coaches gave their team a pep talk before the game officially began. Everyone else seemed to quiet down after that. You didn't pay attention to who had the first serve, your eyes were only on Akaashi.

Both teams moved fast, you didn't understand what was going on.

Throughout the game, Akaashi looked at you after almost every set, or when he did something good. He had sweat beading down his forehead, down his nose bridge, and off of his cheek. I wiped his face every chance he could.

The game ended 25-23, Fukurodani winning by two points. The teams shook hands before walking off to their coaches. You watched as most of the crowd began to leave. You had your chin in your palm. Once most of the people left you got up and made your way down the steps, only to be greeted by Akaashi.

"You came?" He said, surprised. You shrugged. Bokuto and one of the other guys on the team exchanged looks, their eyes darting from you to Akaashi.

"How do you know the Iron Dragon?" The short brown-haired guy asked.

"We're friends." Akaashi looked over. The word Friends didn't sit right with you, it seemed weird. But what were you two?

"Are you sure Akaashi? To me, it looks like you're more than just friends." Bokuto laughed while slapping Akaashi in the back, causing him to jolt forward and furrow his brows.

"Welp. Congratulations on your win, I'll be going now." You pivot on her heel and start towards the door. You're stopped by someone grabbing the hood of your bag.

"Let me walk you home." Akaashi let go of your bag.

"Whatever." You head out the doors with Akaashi following close by. The two of you walk down the street together.

"Did you come here with somebody?" Akaashi glanced at you.

"No. I'm here by myself."

"I thought Farina was coming." You shook your head in response.

"She's at the beach with her family." Akaashi hums in response. You furrowed your brows while walking alongside him. You two pass a park and stop in your tracks while staring at it.

Akaashi lowered his bag and walked into the park.

"What're you doing?"

"What does it look like?" He plopped on the swing, pushing back and forth. "There's another swing next to me." He called out.

"I'm going home." You turn around, just as you're out of view you pause for a moment. You turn around and walk back, entering the park and setting your bag Beside Akaashi's.

"Change your mind?" You didn't answer and just sat next to him, slowly swinging. You sat in silence. The cool breeze hitting the back of your neck caused you to pull your hood up.


"Yeah. And this hoodie doesn't do shit." You look over at Akaashi who's unzipping his jacket and sliding it off his shoulders. He hands it over to you.

"I'm fine." You sternly say. He gets up and walks behind you, placing it around your shoulders and holding onto the chains of your swing, slowly pushing it. You sighed, looking up at him.

The silence you two created was comfortable. His presence was all you needed. You hated to admit that but it's true. He stopped pushing you and looked down at you, you looked up at him.

"(y/n). We're friends, right?"

"Dunno' are we?" You asked. He only chuckled. The moonlight hit both of you, bathing you in the white radiance.

Akaashi lowered his head, his face was inches from yours.


He pressed his lips together, you felt your legs go limp, adrenaline was pumping through your veins.

He kissed you.

UhH anyway this is terrible

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