Chapter 5

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Bella's pov

When I opened the door I took a breath and I walked out it only to feel myself burning and I started screaming so I backed up to the house again and the fire stopped and I looked at Mika and she hasn't cried and so I tried it again I ran out the door and I felt pain again and I started burning and I didn't know why but then I realised the sun was out so I ran back into the house.

So I set Mika down on the chair and as I did she started crying and so I said momma is ok don't worry and then I put the fire out from my body from tapping it out and then I looked at my finger and I realised my daylight ring was gone and I gasped and heard what's wrong sister lost something and I turned around and saw my siblings standing there.

Then I saw Henrik smiling and saw he was holding my ring so I ran to the ring and tried to grab it but Elijah pushed me out of the way and I fell to the ground with a thump and I groaned and jumped back up onto my feet and I said give me my fucking ring now and Klaus said no the ring stays in our custody just like you do to and I said what no you can't do that please Klaus.

Then Klaus said sorry sister but you not leaving us like before and I said well I'm not staying here to become your fucking slaves like before I'd rather burn and I ran to the chair and grabbed Mika and ran to the front door and as I did I heard Finn shout now but I ignored him and went to the door but as I did something stopped me from leaving and I gasped and I knew a witch put a spell on the whole house to stop me from leaving.

So I fell to the floor crying because I knew there was no escape I was trapped and then I felt someone tap my shoulder and I turned around still crying and I saw Klaus and he smiled and said I'm sorry sister but it has to be done and then he compelled me saying you will never leave this house without mine or your siblings say so and I repeated what he said I will never leave this house without yours or my siblings say so.

Then Klaus stroked my hair and said good girl and then I felt some take Mika off of me and I looked at saw Rebekah holding her and I shouted no don't you dare give me Mikaela back she's my daughter and then Rebekah walked into a different room with Mika and I went to go after her only Elijah pushed me back down to the floor and klaus grabbed my arm and I started crying again.

So Klaus said Bella looked at me please and so I knew I had no choice because he would just make me anyway so I looked at Klaus and it was a mistake because he compelled me again saying you will still be Mika's mother but from now on you will let Rebekah look after her and you will do what ever me and your siblings tell you to without question do you understand and I said yes I understand.

Then Klaus said good and let go of my arm and then I stopped crying and Elijah let go of me and Kol said Bella go to you room and go to sleep and I said ok and I stood up and walked to the stairs and went up them and into my room and got into bed and fell to sleep hoping that my poor poor babies are ok with their fathers.

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