Chapter 6

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5 years later

Bella's pov

It's been 5 years now since my siblings found me and basically locked me inside this house and I hate it because it's so boring and I just wish I could find a way to break the compulsion that Klaus put in me but I've had no such luck and little Mika isn't so little anymore she is 10 years old and she isn't aloud near me unless Klaus says which is cruel because I'm her mother not Rebekah.

Today I was told to stay in my room so right now I am on my computer searching ways to break Klaus's compulsion and so far I have found nothing because every time I find something I click in it and it just is a black screen which is getting to be kind of annoying and so I decided to give up and so I just got up from the computer and I went over to my bed.

Then I started playing my iPad and I played it for 2 hours until I heard shouting and so I put my iPad onto the bed and I got off of the bed and I went over to the door and listen in and I heard Mika shout I want momma I want to see momma and Klaus said what's wrong Mika and Mika said don't call me that only momma calls me that now I want momma.

Then Klaus said ok sweetie I'll get your momma Elijah go and get Bella for me and Elijah said sure and then I heard footsteps on the stairs so I gasped and ran over to my bed and I grabbed my iPad and started using it and then I heard the lock on the door and then the door opened and I looked up and saw Elijah and he said you better come with me Bella and I said why what's wrong.

So Elijah said its Mikaela we aren't sure she won't tell us she says she wants you and so then I got off of the bed and I ran out of the room and downstairs and into the living room where I saw my siblings trying to find out what was wrong with Mika so I said looking at my daughter hey Mika sweetie and she looked at me and smiled and ran over to me and hugged me and she started crying and I gasped and lifted her up into my arms.

Then I hugged her and went over to the couch and sat down with her on my knee and I stroked her hair and said baby what's wrong why are you shaking and Mika said momma there were 3 people in my school today they said you didn't want them and that you gave them up and I gasped and so did my siblings so I said Mika sweetie what were their names.

So then Mika said their names where Vince, Reece and Annabelle momma and I smiled and said I've found them I really have and Mika said who momma and I said looked in gat Mika I've found your brothers and sister Mika and Mika smiled and said you mean I've got siblings to and I smiled and said yes sweetie you do and I think you own uncle Klaus and uncle Elijah an apology don't you.

Then Mika huffed and looked at Klaus and Elijah and said I'm sorry for being cheeky uncle K and uncle E and both Klaus and Elijah said its alright princess and then Mika said momma can we go see them I want to see my sister and brothers and I said I don't know let me talking uncle K a wee minute ok and Mika said ok momma and then I stood up and sat Mika on the couch.

Then I walked over to Klaus and I said look Klaus please let us go see them after all these years I've finally found them and Klaus said fine but your coming right back and I said I promise and just so you know I mean business I'll allow you to compel me and a Klaus said ok thank you and then he compelled me saying after you see your kids you will come straight back here with or without them got it.

So I said yes I have got it and then I walked back over to Mika and I looked at her and said you ready to go baby and Mika gasped and said really you mean uncle K is letting you go and I said lifting Mika into my arms yes baby he is and then I ran out of the house and ran to my other kids house with Mika.

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