Chapter 1

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6:50 a.m in North California............

"Emily Get up before your late to school" A lady shouted in the bedroom.

You hear the covers shuffle and a groaning noise. WAIT WHY AM I NARRATING MYSELF!

Hi my name is Emily Peterson. I'm 15 yrs old and go to Bakers High School, I'm also in the 9th grade. I have brown hair and green eyes.

Why do I always have to be disturb when i'm sleeping, I thought while getting out of bed. I went to pick outa outfit for school .  I picked a blue sweater and light jeans with black sneakers and a couple of jewelries. I jumped in the shower ,brush my teeth and did my hair I straighten it, My hair is long it reaches my mid-back. I go down stairs to see my mom and stepfather. My father died in a car crash when I was three.

"Look who decided to get up early today" My stepfather, Dan Peterson ,joked. Dan has blue eyes and dirty blonde hair, tall and muscular . My mom, Stephanie Peterson, has light brown hair and green eyes, short and has a nice body.

I gave him a fake laugh, said goodbye to them and went on my way to school.I saw my best friend, Lizzy Anderson, quite,short and funny. She has blonde hair and blue mixed green colored eyes.

"EMILY!EMILY! WAIT UP" Lizzy said running towards me. I stopped to wait for her, I was happy to see her and all.

"Hi Lizzy, I thought you was school already" I said to her.

" It's 7:10 a.m and school starts at 7:50, Silly Willy Emii,"

"Don't call me that....... Shorty Liz"

I started running and laughing while she was behind yelling at me  chasing me. We made it to school at 7:40 . We walked inside the building and towards our lockers. In our schools you have the prevs, hipster, goths, preppy, the bitches, the sweethearts and the jocks.

"Well if isn't the two freaks Midget Liz and Clumsy Emily" That's Verciona Miller, She in the bitchy group because she popular, captain of the cheer leading squad so is Lizzy and I, she think she owns everything she wants and is rude to everyone and I mean EVERYONE. She can be nice when she want to but mostly she just a straight bitch. Her boyfriend , Derek Smith, just looked at us and turned his head. He's  a heart breaker I mean who can blame him he has a body of a god, his baby blue eyes and soft honey brown hair. While I was day dreaming I ran into the wall.

" HAHAHA What did I tell you, she's a clumsy idiot that doesn't know where she was going" Verciona said laughing at me along with her minions.

I just continue to walked to my locker with Lizzy. I seen my friend Donnie Netherson, he's really tall, like a giant; has grey eyes and black hair with purple streaks. He was waiting for us because he had his stuff ready.

" Good morning Don, I can see you was waiting for us " I said smirking.

"Yes I am actually were going to be late if you don't hurry up you two" he said while having his arms crossed and tapping his foot like a parent scolding their child for doing something wrong. We got our stuff and walked to class together which was Civics. We made it in time but no teacher.

" I wonder wheres Mrs.Evergrande, she's usually never late". Lizzy said taking her seat which was righte next to me and Donnie was right behind me.

Mrs.Evergrande is a lady in her mid 20 years and has long red hair - she dyed it- she's pretty cool but, get her mad it's like looking at your very worst nightmare.

Few minutes later she came running out of breathe. "Sorry I'm late class lets begin were we left off on page 28".

I wasn't really paying attention becuase it was boring , i would just stare out the window and pretend to listen.

"That's how Shays Rebellion -" she was interrupt because of the bell "Okay class I will see you tomorrow and for homework do page 41 number 1-9 and please make sure its completed" we headed out of class.

"Class was pretty boring right Guys" Lizzy said. I nodded my head.I felt a arm wrap around me.

"What's wrong babe your usually more cheerful and smiley. Is something wrong" Donnie said with a worry look on his face.

"No, I'm just tired that's why I'm all gloomy" i said.

We went our separate ways I went to science . Lizzy went to Music and Donnie went to Art. Class was interesting if you include the fact that our science teacher almost blew up the school so we had a study hall for that class period, lucky us.

Lunch time came around quick . Me and the guys grab our lunch and sat at our table. We told jokes and how our class went , they was shocked when I  told them about what happen in science.

"Emily you wanna go shopping after school. I asked coach if we can have a day off and she agreed" Lizzy said. I smiled and nodded "You wanna come to Don it will beeee funnnn and we need a guys opinion on our outfits" I said.

"I would love too but i have football practice and I can't miss practice because  a big game is coming up" Donnie said.

I pouted and Lizzy made a cute mad face which I just had to pinch her cheeks. She was mumbling mean words after i was done, me and Donnie just laughed. After school me and Lizzy left we headed to the shopping center . We had a great time we brought new outfits. We went Fro-Mart ,our favorite yogurt shop , we order our favorite frozen yogurt which was strawberry with chunks of strawberries and chocolate chips.

We went home I had a great time with Lizzy . When I got home I went to my room jumped in the shower ,changed in my pjs and went to sleep waiting for the next day.

Thank you for reading
Stick around for Chapter 2
My kittens~

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