Wide Awake

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If Kurt wasn't sure he had a crush on Blaine earlier, he was now. Hell, if he hadn't had a crush on Blaine earlier, he would by now. How was Kurt going to manage functioning around Blaine now , when every time Blaine talks, walks, smiles, all Kurt can feel is how he felt watching that performance of Teenage Dream. Now, he had managed to sneak away from dinner and was headed to his room to shut down. 

His plans were thwarted though, when he got to his dorm and saw the text Nick had sent him. He whispered the words to himself as he read it.

"Mine and Jeff's last weekend staying at Dalton for now. We're having a sleepover and kicking Blaine out. He's gonna sleep in my bed, if that's okay with you!"

That was NOT okay with Kurt?? He would get zero studying done?? But alas, like the pushover he is, Kurt sent a quick "sure" and did as much studying as he feasibly could before he heard a knock on his door.

'Play it cool, Kurt' he told himself, and opened his door to the ever-so-smiley Blaine Anderson.

"Have you heard the new Nation of Niff has banished me to Kurt Island?"

Yup, there's the lovable dork who makes dumb jokes when he's nervous!

"Pft, hi Blaine. I'm afraid Kurt island is gonna be pretty quiet tonight. I've been banished to Studying-and-Showtunes island for the next little while by my own decree." Kurt explained in a rather unenthusiastic tone.

"Don't get me wrong, studying is always better with showtunes, but is that how you want to spend your first real Friday at Dalton?" Blaine asked,

"Got any better ideas?" Kurt retorted.

"I do, infact! I'll be just a moment."

And with that, Blaine was on a mission. A mission only from dorm 206, Kurt's, to 608, his own, but a mission nonetheless!

Kurt cleaned up his desk as he waited for Blaine to return. No more studying tonight! A break can't hurt, can it?

Apparently it can.

When Blaine returned, Kurt opened his door to a black guitar case until Blaine popped his head out from behind it.

"Oh thank Gaga, I thought you were somehow dragging me to some sort of party," Kurt sighed in relief that he wouldn't be forced to both socialize and not make a fool of himself in front of Blaine. He can really only handle one or the other, and potentially neither.

"Nope! That's not exactly my scene anyways,"

"Wow, Mr. Popular-Head-Warbler-Heartthrob isn't a partier! Good to know." Kurt said, with his all familiar sass.

Blaine was gestured in by the taller boy and he made a b-line to sit and set his guitar down on Nick's bed.

"Mr. Popular-Head-Warbler-Heartthrob, eh?" Blaine said, pulling out his guitar (affectionately named Sir Sparkles) and ignoring Kurt's 'I said no such thing' comment.

"So," Blaine started, "Any requests?"

"What are you, a juke box?"

"One Jukebox Hero coming right u-"

"Nonono, my brother loves that song and I have no time for homesickness! I have weekend outfit planning to do!!" Kurt said.

"Alright Mr. Business. Any requests then?" Blaine asked as he watched Kurt walk to  his standing wardrobe and get to work.

"Well nothing can beat today's 'Teenage Dream', that must have been rehearsed for ages, but I do have one idea! Got any more Katy in your repertoire? Same effect, different song, right?"

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