(12) Burn.

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Before we start, I'd like to say that I'll be adding Eret, Fundy, and Niki to the oneshots, if you didn't guess by now. They'll also have their own little short stories or stories y'all request! :))

Niki trotted her way down the path, swaying his arms as she held a small basket. Though, all things come to a end.



Niki smacked face to face to the dirt path. Pushing herself up with her hurt arms. Covered in scraps. She starred at the flicks of fire escaping her hair. She hurried herself up, stomping out a small flame that rose from it.

"Not again.." She mumbled, walking off. Her mind wondering off to a later time.

Niki messed with the fox's ears. "Can you stop?" Fundy asked, crossing his arms annoyed. "Why? Eret has a literal stinger on him, and you're just soft." Niki smilely responded. Before she could say anything else. The fox squeeled, jumping up and turning around frantically. "YOU FUCKING, OW JESUS." Fundy shouted, Niki spotting a small flame on his ears.

She simply calmed herself after freaking out a tiny bit. Walking over and patting it away, turning around to a small puddle on the ground. Wetting her hand and patting his ears and head again. Fundy still gave her a death glare, though no one can stay mad at her. It's Niki for heaven's sake!

The two's head turned as they saw a man run up to them. "Hey, I heard a scream, what happened?" Eret asked the two, Niki and Fundy making eye contact before turning their attention back to Eret. "Nothing much!" The two spoke,

"I highly doute that.."


Niki's mind snapped back into reality when she heard a small twig snap. Her head turned to see two faces. "You idiot!" Fundy shouted at Eret, the two trying to scare the women. "Me?! You're the one who pushed me!" Eret snapped back.

"You were in the way!"

"No I wasn't!"

"Was too!"

"Was not!"

"Can you two be quiet for once!?"

"NO" "NO"


Word count: 344

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