Lost At Sea (Part 2)

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Percy on Deck

Chapter 2: Lost At Sea, Part 2


Percy had yelled to the others with excitement. He had followed his senses to a lake. But that wasn't had made him excited. There was a large hut, already built and a diving board near the lake.

It appeared as though someone had bend on the island before them. The skeleton? mused Percy.

Percy entered the cabin and instantly gasped when he saw the state of the cabin. It was filled with cobwebs, roaches, and snakes. But what surprised him the most was the sword and knife hanging on the wall. They were celestial bronze!


Bailey was the first to enter the clearing, followed by Zack, Cody, then Woody, who was sweating buckets.

"Ah come on guys Kettlecorn is as big as this island and I always run from one side to the other. This is nothing." She said. Then she turned around and gasped in awe at the small lake. The other three echoed as they stared at the water.

Zack kneeled down next to the water and tasted it. "It's fresh!"

"What is this place?" asked Bailey.

"Maybe we should check the hut." said Cody.

"'nough said, Broseph." said Zack, "maybe there's someone inside."

The three entered the cabin, while Woody, who was still panting leaned down to drink some water.

"Celestial Bronze," Bailey heard Percy mutter when she entered the cabin.

"What?" asked Bailey, confused.

Percy spun around, and it was then that Bailey noticed that Percy was holding a dusty bronze sword. "Who there man," said Zack, "I know we snuck up on you, but there's no need to get violent."

Percy ignored him and looked deep in thought. He had a frown on his face. "What's wrong? Can I see the sword?" asked Cody talking the sword from Percy.

Percy's frown deepened. "You can see it?" asked Percy.

"Of course," said Bailey.

"Yeah, It's a five foot weapon of death!" said Zack.

Percy cursed in Greek.

"This is not good, this is not good." muttered Percy.

"What are you hiding?" asked Bailey, suspiciously.

"Oh nothing," said Percy.


Cody who had been looking around the cabin picked up a book. "It's in ancient Greek, one of the few languages Bailey and I don't know." he said. "What does it say?" he asked.

Journal Entry 37

We have been here 37 days. Yesterday, my Son of Poseidon companion left. He said he would try to swim for it. Then come back for me with a boat. My father, Hephaestus still refuses to answer my prayers.

In other news, I found a new fruit. It is yellow, but Luke said it was poisonous, but I will eat it at dinner tonight with what's left of the fish Luke caught. I wish there was more food on the island, but there is next to none left. I won't even survive another week. There is the berries up at the top of the trees, but none of us are good at climbing trees, and we aren't even sure if they are edible. It is lunch now so I will sign off. I hope someone will find me. I miss camp Half-Blood What a brilliant idea, I had. Make a new Camp Half-Blood in the middle of the ocean. No one will find me. I'm starting to lose hope..

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