Bermuda Triangle

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Percy on Deck

Chapter 4 - Bermuda Triangle


August 3rd

"Hey guys," said Woody. Percy, Zack, Cody, London, and Bailey were sitting down on the seats in front of the juice bar. Percy had just returned from orientation, which wasn't really an orientation in Percy's opinion; it was more like an 'introduce-yourself-class".

Percy burst out laughing as Woody bit into an onion.

"Woody?" asked Zack, "Why are you eating an onion?"

"More importantly," said Cody, "why are you wearing my eighty-five year old uncle's golf outfit

"Because," said Woody, "we're about to enter the Bermuda Triangle!"

Everyone stared at Woody. "And?" asked Cody.

"Ugh," said Percy, "not this place again!"

"This is my Bermuda Triangle protective outfit," said Woody, sounding hurt. "You know Bermuda Shorts, Bermuda Onion!" He walked up to Zack. "According to the website wild, weird, and wacky, this will keep me from being abducted by aliens when we enter The Bermuda Triangle," he said in Zack's face.

"You're not going to be abducted by girls, either," said Zack waving his hand in front of his face.

"Hey I've been in the Bermuda Triangle, before." said Percy, "there are no aliens. A crazy lady who owns a spa in the middle of it, but no aliens."

"Of course," interrupted London, "Woody, there are no aliens; They're elves, that uneducated people mistake for beings from outer space."

"Well I'm not going to take any chances." said Woody, "More ships have disappeared in The Bermuda Triangle than any other place in the world. These waters are curse, cursed I tell you!" he yelled in London's face."

Mostly because of Circe, thought Percy. "No wonder it's called the Sea of Monsters."

"Woody there are other explanations for all the disappearances," said Bailey.

"For a fact, this is one of the most highly traveled shipping lanes in the world." said Cody.

"So statistically, it makes sense that more ships would meet with an untimely fate. There are rogue waves."

"Fluctuations in the Earth's magnetic core." said Cody.

"I'm sticking with aliens." said Woody.

"Elves." said London with a singsong voice.

"Whatever." said Woody.

"Wait what happened the last time you were here." asked Cody interested.

"Well, me, my ex-girlfriend, my brother, and a friend of ours, were out on a small steamship with a small crew. Anyways when we were near the Bermuda Triangle we experienced engine failure and the boat exploded. I ended up unconscious in the water, and Annabeth fished me out onto a lifeboat. It was just us and we floated into the Bermuda Triangle. First we landed on an island with only girls on it called Circe's island, they tried to get Annabeth to stay forever and kill me, but we escaped on a ship called the Queen Anne's Revenge."

Cody and Bailey gasped. "The Queen Anne's Revenge!"

"Yeah why?" asked Percy.

"Was it a pirate ship?" asked Bailey.

"Yeah why?"

"That's Blackbeard's ship!" said Cody.

"What happened to it?" asked Zack, now interested.

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