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"Love is the only thing, which you get more, when you share than when you keep it, all to yourself." One of the most important thing to keep in mind is that-"Never expect anything in love and only believe in giving." Doing so you will recieve everything you want from that person.

In order to recieve, we first must give. Look at those certain people in your life who you feel are not very accepting towards you, and make it your project to accept them--exactly the way they are! When they feel this love and acceptance, they won't be able to hold onto their unforgiveness much longer.

The best way I have found to bring happiness into my life is to give love to someone, or do something just for the love of it.
Examples you could try would be:
Listening to someone and sympathizing with their situation,
A random act of kindness which doesn't take much effort on your part but may benefit another, open doors for people, give up your seat on busy public transport, write a note of appreciation and thanks to the people in your life.

The more kindness and love you give, the more happiness will grow within you.

This will add meaning and value to your life. You'll also find that the more love you give the more love you will have to give. As you open your heart to love, more and more will flow through you. Don't do these things with an expectation of getting something back. That's not the way it works. This is unconditional love, love you are giving without conditions or an expectation of a benefit.

As for the act of love, Unconditional love can be one of the most difficult of all to practice-but it is the one which, if we can master the art of, will result in the greatest return (perhaps a return of whose measure has no end).

It is always better to spread love and be good towards others.
In today's world it is very important for us not to make enemies.
Man is a social animal, we need each others help.
Giving love and respect to others will ensure that we get the same in return .
Nobody gains from hatred, it is especially true for today's youngsters who spend their time in unnecessary fights and quarrels.
A situation which can be resolved by talking often takes an ugly turn, when people fight and often get hurt.
This hatred will not benefit anyone.
Everyone must realise that they have just one life and if we spend our precious time in fighting and hatred we will not gain anything.

Some people even go to the extent of killing the other person.
People who spend their life in hating others and making enemies ruin their own life in the long run.
Such people may also need some psychiatric help in the end.
Hence give love and get love, is the secret of successful people.
Giving love to others will only benefit us and make our life successful,happy and peaceful.

Love is the emotion, which separates us from every other life form on earth. Love is the root of progress, and the reason for optimism. The power of love can heal the sick. Love on the journey of life can carry the weak, and guide the strong. As long as the human race seeks love, there will be peace and harmony and wonders reveled, beyond wildest expectations. Where there is love, there cannot be evil.
Love's value, is its ability to expand man's horizons. The power people have given love is legendary. God has often been described as love. The power of love throughout history has proven to be a driving force for good in the world.

My dream is to inspire others to find and express their own ways to love and heal our world. We all love living on this beautiful planet. And we all want to look after it. When we all decide to put our minds together for this most special purpose, I have no doubt that we can save, nurture, and protect our unique and glorious world by giving love and receiving love.

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