Chapter 5 - At home

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Arrived at home my mother already waited for me. "Who was that?" She asked me. Sie intended to be not really interested, but it sounded like "Was this your new boyfriend and if he is, please introduce each other." I smiled. "Jorge." I answered and sighed. "Who?" "Jorge Blanco. He plays the Leon Vargas in Violetta." I explained. "Oh really? That handsome guy?" I nodded slightly. “But he isn’t responsible at all, when he makes you drive on a motorcycle.” I rolled my eyes. “Mom! There is nothing to it.” I just had to support Jorge. “Yes, it is. It is dangerous, honey. Most accidents end with dead.” I shook my head. Jorge was a good AND safe driver and I trusted him blindly. I even entrust my whole life to him.

Right at this moment my dad came home. “Why do you argue?” “We don’t. We are discussing about motorcycles and if they are dangerous.” “Ah okay. And why do you discuss this? Did you drive?” “NO!” I shouted. “I just sat behind the driver. I even wore a helmet.” My dad nodded. “And what’s the problem? This is much more responsibility than I can expect at this age. Especially when I may assume that the driver was a man?” I nodded. “You never wore a helmed, did you?” he asked my Mom and she sighed. I laughed. “Don’t encourage her to do such things.” She meant, but she couldn’t change my opinion.

My parents never had the same opinion. NEVER! They even weren’t agreed with my name. So that’s why my full name was Martina Alejandra. But again and again I was surprised how people never like the same things, but love each other so much. “But one thing I wanna know…” My dad said, “Who was this boy on the motorcycle?”


My real home was in Mexico, so I lived the entire first season with all the others in a huge house. But since the second season had begun, nearly nobody lives there anymore. Most of them live with their girlfriend or boyfriends or have their own apartment. So did I. I lived with Stephie, my girlfriend and I used the other apartment maybe twice a month. Last year Pablo and I were having a great time, but now he’s back in Spain and without him it wasn’t fun anymore. I was bored, so I decided to move in at Stephie’s.

Lying on the couch I thought about Tini. What did she mean? Did she hate me now? What did I do wrong? Maybe I just should call Lodovica or Mercedes. At least one of them had to know what was wrong. So I called Mercedes.


A loud ringing woke me up from my short sleep. Without moving myself a lot I picked up the phone. “Mhmhm?” I mumbled still tired. “Hi. It’s me!” Somebody male answered. “Great! It’s me, too. Who is this?” “Don’t you have any caller-ID?” the voice said and I sighed. This could be just one person. “What’s up, Jorge?”

“I just wanted to know, if you know if something is wrong with Tini. And if this has to do something with me.” “What are talking about?” Couldn’t he just speak clearly? “We made this music video today, you know Nuestro camino. But then she has completely changed. She has cried and she was sad, but she didn’t want to tell me, why. Do you know anything?”  he asked me a little bit techy. I could imagine, why she behaved that way, but I wouldn’t tell Jorge that’s for sure.

“Why should I? Maybe she just had a terrible day.” “Now, that’s not possible. She was happy before and smiled all the time. I think she also flirted with me.” I closed my eyes. “Yeah, that proves my theory.” I mumbled. “What Theory?” I opened my eyes. “Did I say that loudly?” Now I was awake. Shit, now I prattled away. “What is wrong with you, Mechi?” he laughed. “But, what proves your theory?” Shit, shit, shit! “Uhm… the theory, that you said something that hurt her.” “Sure, but what exactly?” He sounded desperately. “I can’t tell, I don’t know either. But think, maybe you’ll know.” I said and hung up.

Poor Tini! Why did she just have to fall in love with HIM? Okay, boys in a relationships are always more interesting, but Jorge is so… taboo? But I must say, they’d be a great couple. I would be helpful, if she would trust her friends – like me for example - and tell us about her feelings. I mean, it’s obvious that she loves him for ages. She didn’t need to keep this a secret. I think it’ll be the best, if I speak to her about that. This decision made me smile, but first of all I wanted to sleep…


“Do YOU know what’s wrong with Tini? First she was the happiest person of all and then she was sad and calm.” Jorge asked me by phone. I nearly shouted what I thought, but I stopped myself. Tini would have killed me without mercy. “Maybe she has her period.” This was my first and best explanation.“ “This would explain, why she didn’t want to tell me. But why did she avoid me?” “Women sometimes think irrationally and blame others for everything.” I knew, why Tini was in that mood, but Jorge wouldn’t want her, so it was better not to make everything more complicated.

“You know what? You have two possibilities. You spend more time with her or you stay away from her.” “And how should that help?” “It will help her, believe me.” “Okay, when you say it. Thanks. Bye!” I hung up and shook my head. Men! They never understand anything. Tini seriously has to get over him.


Why couldn’t women say what they want? Why do they always speak so complicated? I will never understand them. But I was thankful, that Lodovica spoke more clearly than Mechi. Of course I will spend more time with Tini, when it will help. That’s what friends are for.

Sorry I didn't update for so long, but I had to learn for many tests and exams.

I hope you liked this chapter, and keep reading the next chapters.

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