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"PEANUT!" I hear my mama yell making me fix my left hearing aid in and get up from my desktop. "Yea!" I yelled by while going down the stairs.

"Hey baby. I need you to run to the store for me." She says grabbing her food stamp card off the counter and handing it to me.

"Whyyy?" I whine cause I wasn't planning on going anywhere.

"Please peanut. I just need some seasoning and chicken thighs." She says rubbing her temples.

She was most likely stressed about the case she was working on.

She was a lawyer and she was in a heated lawsuit.

"Alright mama. I'll cook just sit down and calm your nerves." I say and she smiles then nods going upstairs.

I put on my slides then go upstairs grabbing my phone and keys before I go back downstairs and outside to my car I recently got from my daddy.

I put on my slides then go upstairs grabbing my phone and keys before I go back downstairs and outside to my car I recently got from my daddy

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He was dead but he left things for me and I just recently got this car.

I get in, put my seatbelt on, turn the air on and hooked up my Bluetooth.

Almost immediately I turn on my favorite song.
I park my car close to the local Kroger and turn it off.

(I know some people don't know what Kroger is but it's basically a grocery store lol.)

I swing around my keys while walking in the store.

I grab a cart and start to make my way through the store.

"Draco it's yo fucking baby!" I hear someone say loud AS FUCK. I slow my cart down and look down the isle where it came from.

I see a fine lil daddy and a fairly pretty girl. She wasn't ugly but wasn't pretty.

"Man Nyasia get the fuck out my face wit dat." He rubs his hand over his face and turns my way making my eyes widen and I start walking again.

I ignored my heart pounding.

My nosy ass just got caught.

I walk to the isle with the season and grab some seasoned salt, slap ya mama, garlic powder, garlic salt, adobo and lemon pepper.

After I throw those in the cart I go to the frozen food section and grab three kinds of chicken. Thighs, breast, and legs.

"Girl. I tried. His ass ain't believe me." I hear the same girl making me toot up my lips and glance at her.

Once I see her look at me I look at the ad the store had up.

"Wow. That's some nice butter." I mumbled while looking at it.

"I'm gon' have to trap his ass." I hear her making me chuckle and then I decide to mind my business and walk away.

I go to the self checkout and scan all my items and then bag them and I hear my phone ring making me check the caller ID and I see my mama.

"Yes ma'am?" I asked while looking at the phone seeing her putting some clothes on. "Hey peanut, Ms Coleman coming to take us to dinner so get dressed when you get back." She says making me nod.

I push the cart out thee store to my car.

"Oh and she introducing us to her grandson so dress nice. Maybe you'll finally get a damn boyfriend." She smirks and I roll my eyes popping my trunk.

"I'm finna cut my hearing aid off keep Talking all that bullshit." I say playfully.

"Bye peanut." She rolls her eyes and hangs up. I pocketed my phone and start putting my bags in.

Once I was done I closed the trunk and got in the car starting it and turning on the air then turn on my songs.
I get out the car and close the garage then go to the truck and grab some bags then I see my mom come out with a cute outfit on.

"You look good mama

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"You look good mama." I say as she set bags down in the kitchen. "I try." She says and I look down at my sweatpants and hoodie.

"Can I stay in this?" I ask not wanting to change.

"No. Go put on some decent clothes." She waves me off, while unbagging the stuff.

I smack my teeth making a 'mmcht' noice.

I go upstairs and go in my closet and find a decent outfit then go back into my room and put it on.

¡DISCLAIMER! The moms food stamp card isn't hers, it's from Armani's father🙃

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