Chapter 1

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Disclaimer: I do not own Harry Potter.

"Hadrian, we've told you before that you must marry before your twenty-first birthday, did we not?" It took all of Harry's willpower not to roll his eyes at his father.

"Yes, you have. And you know I hate being called Hadrian." His father's eyes flashed with anger for a moment.

"You will be called by your given name, since you are now an adult. Your childish nickname has no place amongst grown men. Now, have you decided who you shall take as a spouse?" Harry shook his head. He hadn't even given it much thought.

"You know I prefer the fairer sex stay far away from my bedroom afairs, father. And as you've raised me to be rather sheltered from those of my own inclinations, I'm hard pressed to find someone that I'm even able to call my own-let alone grow old together. And you know how mother feels about marriage without love to back the union." His father's face grew stony with every word from his mouth.

"You have until your twenty-first birthday to fall in love. You will announce your engagement by then or your mother and I will do so for you. And you know I will not be choosing a man for you to be with, so I suggest you start taking adulthood seriously." The man stood and strode out of the drawing room. Harry likely wouldn't be seeing him again until supper.

"Young lord, is there anything I can get for you?"

"No, thank you Severus. You've kept my secrets in the past, have you not?" His valet tilted his head and nodded. "What do you think of father's intent?"

"I think he's keen to see you produce an heir. Your mother, however, wishes only to see you happy. Forgive my bluntness, but she does not want you to end up in a marriage of convenience, such as herself."

"There's no way of getting him to budge on my branching out, is there?"

"Based upon the last few attempts you've made at going to London with them, I imagine not."

Harry mounted his horse and sighed while waiting for his father to join him. The hunt was already running an hour late because his mother had started in on him about what Harry'd started to refer to as 'the marriage problem'. The man finally mounted and a collective sigh of relief flooded the group of men visiting from a town over.

When the hunt commenced, they rode out into the woods. Usually, they started with a trapped fox or such that they'd chase down but the next town over believed that to be cheating so they were hunting on merit alone today. His horse weaved in and out of brush while Severus trailed behind on his horse. He didn't often come on these trips, but he had been feeling particularly agile today and opted to come. A loud BANG! sounded from just behind Harry and his horse bucked in terror. Harry barely had enough time to register Severus shouting for him before his head hit something quite hard and he knew no more.

"-don't see how that could possibly help him!"

"Lilian, don't you see? He's incapable of manning the family name! Couldn't even be bothered to stay on his own horse for God's-"

"Lord Potter, I suggest you take your case elsewhere. This is the room of a patient, not a study."

"How is he, doctor?" Harry could hardly make heads or tails of the conversation, but he figured he might be better off if he continued to pretend to be asleep. It was also much easier keeping his eyes closed.

"He's hit his head pretty hard-twice, no less. He'll need plenty of rest for the next two days, but be mindful of how long he sleeps. Reading, visiting and the like are acceptable, but minimal physical activity and no arguments!" The last statement was made with such a tone of finality, that even his father didn't argue. "Call me if he is in pain or if you cannot wake him after a full night's rest." Harry heard people leaving and the door snicked shut. Footsteps, presumably Severus's, made their way around his bed towards his wardrobe.

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