Chapter 4: Friends are Overrated

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Kyle's POV (A few days ago)

"Right here we have the Mystery Shack! One of the popular landmarks of Gravity Falls!" Mr. Gleeful announces.

In front of me was an old-looking falling apart shack with signs plastered all over it. I exclaimed, "SO COOL!" and snapped a picture of the building.

The owner is such an artistic mastermind! The fallen giant S symbolizes the hidden secrets of this place. What caused this S to detach and fall from its original spot? And the grass and mold on the sides of the building and roof show the long history of this shack.

So beautiful! Professor Milburn will surely love this! In the corner of my eye, a faint blue light fused out of the woods. It created this elegant aura surrounding the area.

I told Mr. Gleeful, my tour guide, "Be right back sir, Imma check something out."

He sighed, "Do whatever you want, just come back before noon." and went inside the Mystery Shack without me.

My insides burst with excitement. I bet it's something like a glowing cube! I've heard from Mr. Gleeful that this town has many exotic creatures and unexplained phenomenas.

I'm so glad I stopped by Gravity Falls. I'm sooo going to beat Jake and score a 98 on my paper.

I charged into the gleaming blue, almost neon-colored blaze. The shine was getting brighter the further I followed the trail.

This is it! The source of that alluring ambiance. It was getting so bright that everything in my vision was turning white, but I didn't stop. I took another step further and all the pine trees seemed to have disappeared. This was a forest clearing and all my surroundings seemed to freeze. No, it was slow-downed.

The blue glow from earlier became dimmer but was still visible to see. There were a few blue long flying insects in mid-air, flapping their wings slowly. Dragonflies? I sauntered to one of them and tapped on their body before quickly pulling away.

I shift my eye to the rock in the center of this clearing. I walked up to it to take a closer look. It was carved into the shape of a triangle with one eye. Wait a second, there's a top hat on the triangle's tip. Is that the triangle's arm sticking out?

My eyes lit up. Is this supposed to be like a humanoid triangle? Half of it is embedded in the ground, surrounded by tall grass. I never saw such art like this! I snapped a picture of the statue.

Why is there even a statue even out here? What if professor doesn't believe me that there's something as strange as this in the woods?!

I sat on the dirt on the left side of the statue. I leaned back into the triangle's arm and posed. Better be safe than sorry. I took a selfie.

As I got up from the ground, my "Friends are overrated" shirt got stuck on the triangle's hand.

Dangit. I pulled my shirt off and ended up touching its stone-cold hand. I checked my smartwatch and it read 11:51 AM. Shoot, I better hurry up back!

I ran out of the forest clearing and the blue lighting disappeared like it was never there.


Dipper's POV (Present Day)

My heart skipped a beat, "Wen-Wendy?"

She looks back at me and smiles, "It's fine. I'm fine."

She certainly does not look fine. I persuaded, "Wendy, please." She observes me for a second.

She hesitated, "Al-Alright." Probably knowing I wouldn't back down about this. Wendy rolled up her right sleeve. Her bicep was newly bandaged, but a tint of crimson was gushing out of it.

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