pain in a woman

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Women are capable of supporting even that it sounds impossible, more pain than men (and they call us the weaker sex), but never what kind of pain ... because we are capable of giving birth, which is the equivalent of breaking almost half of the body ... but and the emotional or psychological pain .

Some have all my admiration and respect and a great desire to be as strong as they are, because simply because I am not capable of being the women who endure so many things and I am not I can with a single emotional or psychological charge; my respect for being able to bear it and my admiration for overcoming it and continuing to live day by day (and not trying to take my life away), I have not succeeded and doubted that it would happen .

And if I'm honest, I don't know if I lack courage or cowardice to end my life... in the end, whoever remembers me in a few months ... nobody, I no longer have, I correct, I never had or have because fighting I'm just a simple person, one more of this vast world ...

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