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Your lilacs are dying," he pointed out nonchalantly.

"They never do bloom long," she replied.


The weeks passed like years, but Valeria managed to create a steady routine to keep her somewhat sane, reminding herself that this was only temporary. She did not join in games, the makeshift Quidditch matches, or the evening talks that were held. She kept to herself reading books and the Prophet religiously, keeping a mental track of all the happenings in the wizarding world. Thankfully, the Winters name faded from front page news once her recovery had been reported, but that meant she had no new information on her mother or vice versa.

Potter's birthday arrived, the occasion dampened by the latest news of disappearences and distresses. Valeria kept quiet, being there for the sake of politeness, awaiting the time in which her social obligation would be complete and she could return to her room. Diagon Alley was mentioned and Valeria perked up. She would need to get school supplies, she would have to leave the house, even if only for a little while. When it was time to retire, Mr. and Mrs. Weasley asked Valeria to stay behind, a command which she politely and dutifully obeyed.

"This is difficult to say. I hope you can understand—" Mr. Weasley began.

"Is it about my mother? Has something happened?" Valeria asked, panicked.

"No, no. Your mother is fine, as far as we know. No, this is about Diagon Alley. You've been very patient during your stay, and we're grateful, but it's been decided that it would be best if you remained behind while—"

"I beg your pardon," Valeria said spitefully.

"It is a complicated situation—"

"Who? Who decides what's best for me, I'd like to meet them," Valeria said, enraged.

"Dumbledore, Valeria," Mrs. Weasley said, trying to be gentle. "He believes that it would be too dangerous for you to venture out just now."

"Potter gets to go, he's far more valuable than me!" Valeria said.

"It's unlikely that You-Know-Who would attack Harry out in the open, but we'll be taking precautions all the same. However, you do have value to his followers and we would like to take every measure to keep you out of their hands," Mr. Weasley explained. Valeria was nearly shaking with rage.

"Am I not trustworthy?"

"It has nothing to do with you. We know that your family, their friends, will go to great lengths to retrieve you. We simply want you to be safe until we get you on the train to Hogwarts," Mrs. Weasley said.

"How will I get my supplies?" Valeria asked.

"We will take your list and purchase the items for you. We'll take your measurements and we can order robes. Bill will be able to access your account on your behalf, with your sign-off, of course," Mr. Weasley said.

"This is ridiculous," Valeria spat.

"I know this is difficult—" Mrs. Weasley said.

"Do you? That's all anyone has said to me and yet no one does anything to make it easier! I have been nothing but quiet and obedient here, but I'm still being punished!"

"This is not a punishment," Mr. Weasley said.

"Isn't it though? I'm being punished for my family's crimes. When I came here I didn't realize I'd be held prisoner!" Valeria said.

Quocumque Modo Part II: The PromiseWhere stories live. Discover now