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"Never lie to me again," she said threateningly

"Only if you don't," he replied


Dear Valeria,

Where are you? What's happened? Write me.

Draco Malfoy


I'm growing tired of this. You don't have to tell me where you are, just if you're alive.


Dear Valeria,

What have they done to you?

Draco Malfoy


I'm serious. I need answers now. Please. I need to know that you're alright. I mean it.

Draco Malfoy

Valeria had woken up well before dawn and couldn't fall back asleep. The dorms didn't feel the same. The joy and comfort seemed to have been sucked from them, like sleeping in another world. There would be no going back to how it was, she knew. To occupy herself in the dark morning hours, she drew the curtains of her bed and poured over Draco's returned letters, heart breaking a little more with each one.

The ones toward the end of summer disturbed her. They were much more urgent, much more desperate. He was writing about need and loneliness without ever explaining what exactly he meant. She thought of what Potter told her about Borgin and Burkes; about blood magic and a threatening something on Draco's left arm. It was foolish to even dream that Draco had the Dark Mark, but the thought ate at her regardless.

She got ready before the rest of the girls and made her way to breakfast alone as early as possible, seeking to get the day on and over with.

"How'd you do on your O.W.L.s?" Draco asked, startling her a little as he sat down beside her. He seemed in good spirits, but looked like he hadn't slept all that well either. It was strange to be back talking about school matters when just the night before their conversations were far more dire.

"Fine. Better than I hoped. You?"

"About as expected," he shrugged. They continued discussing classes with the rest of their classmates until breakfast ended and Professor Snape approached the sixth-year group to go over schedules.

"Miss Winters, it seems you took my advice in regard to your O.W.L.s. You are cleared for Potions, Defense Against the Dark Arts, Transfiguration, Ancient Runes, History of Magic, and Charms if you so choose," Snape said when it got to her turn.

"I'll drop History of Magic and enroll in the rest," she said.

Snape raised his eyebrow. "Have you changed your ambitions since last we spoke?"

"Yes," she said plainly. The thought of ever entering the Department of Mysteries caused her breakfast to stir in her stomach.

"Fine then. Ancient Runes is a first period course. I suggest you get going," he said handing her a timetable of her new schedule and Valeria set off for her first class.

Quocumque Modo Part II: The PromiseWhere stories live. Discover now