Anqua Wright- Origins

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This takes place after part 2 chronologically but I thought I would put it first so you could understand how Anqua came into existence :/

".... What do mean he's not adopted?" Phoenix was stunned. Over the short 6 months he bonded with his son, he never once considered that Anqua would be related to the both of them.
Phoenix gazed into Edgeworth's silver eyes as he was taken aback, but he knew his boyfriend wasn't lying.

"Exactly as I said- he's not adopted. I can elaborate if you wish, but not in front of Maya or Anqua" He moved towards the sofa which both Maya and Phoenix were sitting on. Anqua was upstairs, sleeping.

Maya had just channeled two people in one day. The first being Gregory Edgeworth, as means to comfort Miles over recent events. The second being Mia, who Maya channeled afterwards because she hasn't seen Phoenix in 7 years. The latter was around for a shorter period, as channeling a male takes up more energy.

"ooo boyfriend drama. You got yourself into a pickle, Nick!" Maya said, exhausted, thrusting a hand onto Phoenix's face to push herself up.
"yeah I'll just head out and get some burgers or something, see ya!" she stood up from the sofa and walked out like a drunkard.

"To be honest... I thought you knew" Edgeworth returned to his conversation.

"I didn't"

".... Then I'll try and explain as best as I can." he sat down on the sofa next to Phoenix and began to tell the story.

--flashback wooo--

2019. The year of Phoenix's disbarment. Edgeworth was working on some cases abroad. But that wasn't the only reason why he was here. It's been about 7 months since Phoenix and him officially decided to be "boyfriends" and this trip overseas could help him think clearly about their next steps together as a couple.

1 month in this country will do he thought.

1 month was indeed enough time. Phoenix and Edgeworth have been discussing whether to become parents together or not, but over recent cases it seems like a stretch.

Whether the child was adopted or not wasn't his concern, however, being there to support them and watching them grow as an individual was.
One aspect he certainly did not want to happen, is a similar thing that happened to his own father. Edgeworth would never want to inflict pain on his child, intentional or not. Which is why he had to always be there for them.

Edgeworth leaned back on his recliner chair on the way to his destination, and closed his eyes.
He knew both of them would be busy the majority of the time, and what if something were to happen to one of them? What if the child doesn't like the fact that they have two fathers? Would they even go to school?

So many questions raced through his head, but he ultimately decided it wouldn't hurt to research it further.
He reached into his luggage space and pulled out his laptop.

Only a bit of research, not so much that I get distracted from the cases at hand...

--Two weeks later--

Yeah of course we can do that xx
Was Phoenix's text response.
Edgeworth breathed a sigh of relief: he didn't think Phoenix would be so willing to accept the possibility of a child so quickly despite their scenarios recently. Their plan was to have a child around April, two months from now. This was because he anticipated plenty of new cases to arrive in the following months after he comes back.

The Artificial Human Homosexual Reproduction Research Project asked for two samples of DNA, one from each parent. It didn't matter where it came from, as long as it was younger than 3 weeks old. Luckily enough for Edgeworth, Phoenix had helped pack his bags, meaning there was ought to be a hair or two in his luggage.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 29, 2021 ⏰

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Anqua Wright- son of Phoenix Wright and Miles EdgeworthWhere stories live. Discover now