𝐒𝐞𝐮𝐧𝐠𝐦𝐢𝐧☆-by the fire

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A little camp counselors AU-

We don't have summer camps here, but they sound cool-

How many of you reading these go to summer camp? If u do, what's your worst and best experience? :D



7 years old-13 years old...

Once you stepped foot into the summer camp grounds with your older sister, kids swarmed and stared you down as you walked through the court yard hand and hand with your sister.

Your sister was a CIT, and one of the most popular kids at camp, mean while you were the little sister who had a big spot to fill when your sister had to leave the camp.

This camp has been around for decades, both your parents meeting up here when they were your age (7).

Once your sister had dropped you off and settled you in with your age group, kids were all over you, complementing your beauty and wanting to be your friend.

You were quiet a shy camper, or at least to begin with, so you politely declined their be-friending and conversed with other kids that looked like good friends to you.

When you had your first arts and crafts, you were paired up with a little boy.

His hair was a mess and he wore small rounded glasses that made him look like a baby nerd.

As you were making your creations, you decided to start a conversation with the boy and Learnt a lot about him.

His name was seungmin, Kim seungmin. He was a quiet and calm kid, who loved music and liked to do arts and crafts.

He was stunned when you decided to converse with him, since no one had really talked to him or tried to be his friend, but lucky you, you made him smile and started a long lasting friendship that day.

Your sister was concerned and confused on your choice of friends, so one day at lunch she whisked you away from seungmin and had you sit with her and her friends younger siblings.

They were all average adorable kids, sharing the features of their siblings and sharing the same energy and attitude as their siblings, you happened to fit right in with them, and was forced by your sister to sit with them everyday at lunch.

As the summer went by, you started to click and bond with the kids at your forced table, be-friending them and making your young age popularity at the camp rise.

You felt bad everyday not being able to sit with seungmin, but he understood that You were popular and had to fit in with your sister, however you managed to be able to spend time with him in arts and crafts and evening activities.

Seungmin was fine with whatever time you would have to be able to hang with him, since he didn't have that many friends and preferred you over the other boys.

As time and summers went by, the friendship you shared with seungmin blossomed.

You would hang out with your "group" at lunch and cabin activities, seungmin at courtyard and evening activities or whenever you both had time lying around away from your cabins.

By the age of 10, seungmin had mastered the art of making friendship bracelets, and would make you a bunch for random occasions.

You would both wear matching ones everyday, as something to remember each other after summer and to show off your friendship.

As you got older, kids teased you both For the matching bracelets, mistaking you and seungmin as a couple or teasing you both for your close actions and feelings for one another.

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