Zodiac Signs

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In Astrology, there 12 zodiac signs which correlate with the 12 houses in a birth chart. Each zodiac sign has its own characteristics and reacts to planets/houses in different ways.

There are also groups called elements, they are Fire, Earth, Air, and Water. Signs in the same group tend to share similar characteristics and tend to get along better with each other. This also means contrasting elements such as Water and Fire will have more of a difficulty getting along with each other.

Fire Signs - Aries, Leo, and Saggitarius
Earth Signs - Taurus, Virgo, and Capricorn
Air Signs - Gemini, Libra, and Aquarius
Water Signs - Cancer, Scorpio, and Pisces

Cardinal, Fixed, and Mutable are three groups that the Zodiac Signs can be divided into. They represent how willing you are to commit or how strong your need is for variety. Cardinal signs are active, initiatory, and quick. Fixed signs are persistent, practical, and stubborn. Mutable signs are adaptable, subtle, and intuitive.

Cardinal Signs - Aries, Cancer, Libra, Capricorn
Fixed Signs - Taurus, Leo, Scorpio, Aquarius
Mutable Signs - Gemini, Virgo, Saggitarius, Pisces

Aries ♈︎
This sign is known for courage, activity, bravery, impulsiveness, and hot-headedness. They are ruled by Mars.

Taurus ♉︎
This sign is known for stability, stubbornness, sensuality, patience, and possessiveness. They are ruled by Venus.

Gemini ♊︎
This sign is known for sociability, intelligence, adaptability, inconsistency, and indecisiveness. They are ruled by Mercury.

Cancer ♋︎
This sign is known for sensitivity, protectiveness, sentimentality, cautiousness, and moodiness. They are ruled by the Moon.

Leo ♌︎
This sign is known for generosity, loyalty, confidence, arrogance, and vanity. They are ruled by the Sun.

Virgo ♍︎
This sign is known for logicality, modesty, honesty, perfectionism, and criticality. They are ruled by Mercury.

Libra ♎︎
This sign is known for justness, friendliness, romance, disorganization, and indecisiveness. They are ruled by Venus.

Scorpio ♏︎
This sign is known for intensity, intuitiveness, ambitiousness, jealousy, and obsessiveness. They are ruled by Mars.

Sagittarius ♐︎
This sign is known for optimism, philosophy, humorous, bluntness, and irresponsibility. They are ruled by Jupiter.

Capricorn ♑︎
This sign is known for wilfulness, ambitiousness, resourcefulness, materialism, and pessimism. They are ruled by Saturn.

Aquarius ♒︎
This sign is known for uniqueness, humanitarianess, wittiness, distantness, and selfishness. They are ruled by Saturn.

Pisces ♓︎
This sign is known for creativity, emotion, compassion, irrationality, and self-pitifulness. They are ruled by Neptune.

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