Chapter 1

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"Push it! Push it!" I hear from the sidelines.

And that's all the encouragement I need as I begin my last lap of the mile.

Another girl is just feet in front of me. So close.

We round the bend. I begin to catch up.

"C'mon Leah!" My coach yells. "Push harder!"

I start to lose ground.

No! My thoughts furiously spat through my mind.

"Keep up! Don't lose her!"

I kick it in gear. 100 meters. Then 75. Now 50.

I slowly begin to pass her.


25 meters.


Finish line.


"Too bad it won't do."


"It won't do?" I question angrily. "I'm going to State. For the third year in a row!"

"And I realize that," my coach takes a deep breath. "But your time won't qualify you."

"I don't care about winning," I say quietly. "But it would be nice. And I don't appreciate your disbelief."

"Whatever," Coach says briefly and then spins away.

I frustratedly sigh and walk up the bleachers to my stuff. I shuffle through my bag until I fish out a crumpled up five dollar bill and my track hoodie from last year.

Slipping on my hoodie over my uniform, I make my way through the schools until I reach the concession stand, which is way too far from where we sat.

"In a moment," the boy says. He's facing away from me, I assume dressing a burger for the mother beside me, trying to sooth the young infant in her arms.

I study the menu and settle on a Gatorade and a burger.

The boy turns around briefly, hands the woman her burger, switches his gloves, and turns around to address me.

"Can I..." The boy stutters a moment.

I gasp, surprised. "Dylan?"


"Oh my gosh," I half whisper.

Dylan rips off his clear plastic gloves and hurries through the open doorway, rounds the corner, and hugs me.

Returning the hug, I inhale.

"It's been forever," I smile, escaping.

"It has," Dylan repeats.

I look sheepishly at my feet for a moment. "So can I get my food?"

He jumps and runs back around and puts new gloves on.

"What can I get for you, ma'am?" Dylan asks.

"Blue Gatorade and a cheeseburger," I finish and shove my hands into the hoodie pocket, fishing for my money.

Dylan briskly gathers everything for me and sets them on the counter.

I take out my 5 and hand it to him.

"No," Dylan shakes his head. "It's on me."

I smile, putting the money back in my pocket. "Thank you."

I take my burger and Gatorade and make my way back to the bleachers.

I've already vaulted, done hurdles, and just finished the half mile. I'm finished with all my events. There's plenty left. What to do...

"You look...cold."

I look up to see Peter.

Rolling my eyes, I reveal my bed comforter, which doubles as my blanket at meets.

"Only briefly," I reply. "I just wish this were over soon. Meets are a little boring if you're done with all of your events.."

Peter laughs as he takes a seat next to me. "Don't I know it. Just finished the relay."

"I've always wanted to do that," I say. "But coach won't allow me."

Peter scoffs, joining me under my comforter. "You'd be a stud."

I smile. "That's sweet, thank you, Peter."

"I think there's only a few events left, though," Peter says.

I sigh. "I hope. It's cold."

Peter chuckles and opens his water bottle.

I scarf down my burger and stuff the trash in my bag later to be discovered after track is over.


The ride home is seemingly endless, much unlike the way there, where the excitement lingers in the air, the way back, you're thinking about when you messed up and how you could've fixed it.

I think about my first place win in the half mile, my second place in vault, and my too close fourth place in hurdles. I got off to a late start, I should've snagged that third place medal. But you can't win them all.

It seems more packed than it was coming.

I'm stuffed against a window with Kiera Ray, leaning over a phone across the isle, obsessing over some guy with Diana across the isle.

"Kiera," I suddenly say.

Kiera spins around to face me, ignoring Diana's plastering voice. "What?"

"Do you still have my headphones?" I ask.

Kiera grabs what I suspect to be my headphones out of her bag and hands them to me, returning her attention to Diana and some boy.

I plug them in and insert them in my ears and tap play on my favorite playlist.

And then I get a text.

Peter: this is torture...

I reply.

Me: only when you're trying to ignore Kiera obsessing over {probably} James Fowler.

Peter: you're kidding right?

I can practically hear Peter's laugh.

Me: sadly, no.

Peter: can I ask you something?

Me: I suppose

Peter: how about another date night?

Me: you mean with you?

Peter: well, yes

Me: why the sudden interest?

Peter: *laughing* sudden is quite the opposite. Well, would you like to go on a date?

Me: I really can't... I mean, it's just.. With state and everything...

Peter: oh, come on, maybe I'll help you lol

Me: well...okay. I suppose another is fine.


And Peter doesn't reply that night. With a smile, I wonder why. But then again, I think I already know.

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