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          As the train stopped about half an hour later, I rushed over to the doors as soon as possible and once they opened, I hopped out and leaned against the nearest wall for support- I still couldn't believe what had happened on the train. But I quickly stood up straight after realizing Aston was still after me, it was pure luck I survived. I ran out of the subway and found myself in an area I hardly recognized. Of course dad took us here every once in a while- so surely I'd be able to make my way to the greenhouse garden.

          It was more of a city than my little town where I lived- the buildings where made out of stone and had very small windows- it reminded me of a (18th century?? lmao search it up haha) city with trees in little side gardens and bushes around them, the streets were incredibly busy with cars, the skies with shipaurs and planes, and the sidewalks with humans and animals- it seemed like every human had a pet around here, some were exotic, but most were cats, dogs, birds, etcetera.

          I started making my way around, looking up at every building, inside every window, at every shop- until I realized I was lost. I cursed at myself and looked around at my surroundings.

          Yup. I'm lost.

          I knew I needed help, but everyone on the sidewalk looked aloof and too busy to talk to me.

          Ugh, I'm wasting time!

          I turned to a shop on my left and rushed in. It was a little coffee shop- I could tell by the smell as well as interior design. There were pictures hung up on the wall telling you about the shop with newspapers, or just pictures of coffee beans and coffee mugs- there were a few tables all around with a couple of people seated at them. I wasn't paying much attention to anything in there and ran right up to a woman behind the counter, she looked at me, but before she could say anything I spoke.

          "Do you know where the greenhouse garden is?" I asked frantically, my head turning back to the door just to check if I saw Aston- or Kacey-Aston.

          "Umm, just behind the building to the right of this one- if you're looking at it from the front-" I started running out, I may have looked crazy but I was kind of being timed.

          "Thank you!" I called to her as I made my way out the door. I turned the way I was originally headed and looked left down the alley. I

          It was more of a street, and it led down to a fountain with benches all around, and people were walking around, it was kind of like a park. I stepped in front of the fountain and looked right, and just as the woman said, there was the greenhouse.

          It was so much bigger than I remembered- in fact, I had never seen a greenhouse so large- then again, it was for larger plants and had a wide myriad of plants. As I stepped inside, I quickly realized that finding this flower would be more difficult than I remember.

          The greenhouse was large enough to house trees, not to mention there were a few people wandering around in there- but this place was like a maze! Flowers and plants stood in every column, isle, and even hung down from the walls.

          Now, I just need to find the ziaroid in this... maze...

I sighed, but realized Phantom's life was on the line- most likely.

          I started jogging down the isles, looking at every flower and plant I came across, trying to look for key details- but surely it wouldn't be too difficult, it was a big flower! I also started looking around for something to distract the plant if it tried hurting me.

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