The Krystallin (Part One)

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          As I drove down the road, surrounded by fire and chaos, it felt as if I couldn't care less about what state the world was in. Finally, I came up to the building and stopped the car, stepping out of it and running up to the building. I swung the door open and acknowledged the few broken windows as well as some things that had been knocked off of tables. Chairs lay askew and couches had been torn apart. A few belongings had also been dropped and scattered.

          I wasted no time and ran to the stairwell, speeding upwards. As I got to the roof, I saw Phantom in the same position I had left him. The warm wind blew at me as I made my way over to him.

          "Phantom! Phantom we did it! You did it!" I cried as I sat down next to him. He lifted his head up, he was still breathing quite heavily, but he was perfectly fine. I figured he didn't have as much stamina to equal out his strength and speed.

          Phantom stood up and looked around, the city was still in chaos, the tears on my face had dried up, and the fire on Phantom's claws and ears had vanished. He looked at me and stretched his wings, though keeping them close to his side.

          Not quite... we still have to save Scaretta- how'd you save me when I was captured?

He meowed, his eyes still green and bright. I looked towards the ground and drew in a breath.

          "Um, we used a crystal, but I have to tell you something-" I was cut off by him meowing again, turning his head the other direction.

          Alicia, we need to save her as soon as possible- I mean, what if he's trying to escape right now- we don't even know where she is!

I sighed, and looked the direction he was.

          "Phantom-" I stopped and yelped as he jumped into the air, swooped around and scooped me up, I was now on his back, holding on for my life. "Phantom what are you-" I yelled, but slowly stopped, seeing that I was secure. I looked down, the earth was so far from us, and through the chaos and destruction I saw beauty. I looked down at Phantom, and then turned my attention towards the direction he was headed. I saw the circle of pavement, the place where he originally saved us from Scaretta, but he began ascending, scared, I grabbed onto his neck.

          I looked up, we were coming close to the cloud of smoke in the air, and he flew right through it- we were above the smoke, and it was no longer darkness, the destruction was invisible and below us. No longer could I see the surface. The sun was setting, casting a pretty orange and pink hue onto the clear sky above us.

          I breathed in, Phantom stopped flying midair, his wings spread out above him, wide and curved. I held onto his neck, my head resting on his shoulder, looking at the sunset in front of us.

          Without warning, Phantom leaned backwards, I held on tighter and contemplated shutting my eyes as he swooped backwards and down through the smoke. He spun around, gaining speed, but eventually he slowly stopped spinning and the ground became visible, we were shooting down towards it at incredibly high speeds, the wind in my face was loud, it only got faster but I wasn't afraid.

          At the last second, Phantom pulled up, barely missing the ground. He swooped around and then gently landed on the cement. I was speechless, and upon slipping off his back, he took one look at my face and fell over in bursts of odd sounding laughter.

          I looked down at him and chuckled as well, but all the recent events rushed to my mind and I felt as if I couldn't even force a fake smile on my face.

          After Phantom got up he looked around, scanning the area, he saw a blue orb of light and charged at it. I wanted to stop him but it was too late, Scaretta had appeared and he had tackled her to the ground. The smaller creature squirmed and scratched, but she was doing little to no damage towards Phantom.

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