Freshmen Class

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"Ahmya wake up! You are going to be late for your exams!" Ahmya's mother, Hana, yells from down stairs.

Ahmya opens her eyes slightly glaring at the sun between her curtains for rising too early, she gets up regretting the late training session she decided to conduct, but then sighs because she knew it was necessary for today.

After getting ready Ahmya looked in the mirror one last time staring at her features and attire. Her dark blue hair was straightened causing it to hang low today meeting the end of her back. Just above her bangs that hid her eyes was her hidden leaf band. She decided to wear her cross over white button up, with black outlining along the seams, with her white shorts that matched. Ahmya slid on her boots that allowed her toes to peak through. Another sigh left her mouth as she tried to calm down. She then put on her sleeveless dark green robe. After wrapping her blue belt around her waist three times she placed her elbow blades on her back letting them rest between the fabric and her, she always felt safe when she had her blades on her as a form of comfort. She took one last glance in the mirror knowing she was ready, but then she felt like she was forgetting something. And there it was dangling off the side of her mirror: the first hokage necklace. Ahmya placed it around her neck without hesitation, kissing it for luck before leaving the room.


Misaki leaned on a nearby wall throwing a pebble in the air he grasped from off the ground on his walk to the academy, Misaki was the first one there as usual. Misaki didn't sleep last night, but he did not sleep most nights. Almost every night was filled with training and because of that everyone in the hidden leaf looked at him in awe or jealousy because they expected him to be the next Sasuke or Itachi to walk the hidden leaf. Misaki could not be more disgusted with the comparison not only because he was his own version of history in the making for the Uchiha clan, but because he despised the hidden leaf and had plans on showing his disgust causing him to train even more. Misaki finally threw the pebble out of anger after thinking about the comparison and hidden leaf for too long, hitting a nearby wall but that did not stop him from noticing the small crack in the concrete from the pebble. He smirked to himself "Guess I am harnessing more and more power day by day." Misaki leaned his head back to look up at the sky, causing his curly black hair to no longer hide his eyes from the sun, he accepted the warmth on his face this time. With his head leaned back, you could almost see the mark trying to show itself just below his ear, after being hidden by the hidden leaf band that was wrapped around his forehead. Misaki decided to wear his sleeveless black vest having the large Uchiha symbol visible on the back. Along with some dark grey pants that stopped in the middle of his shins. He wore black leg sleeves that met his pants, and a matching arm sleeve set that wrapped around his hands only letting his fingers and biceps be visible. For shoes he decided on the sandals, although it was not really much of a decision he did not change after training for so long. Yet, Misaki was not tired at all; he knew the day had just begun. The sounds of footsteps in the distance broke his train of thought, he turned his head to the right of him to be able to see the person approaching. When the individual rounded the corner the feeling of disgust was more prominent. It was Ahmya, of course it was her. Ever since Miskaki arrived at the leaf he noticed something different in Ahmya that no one else could see, his byakugan could see her chakra from a mile away. And her chakra was way too strong to just be a normal Senju clan was powerful, but Ahmya had to possess something else for her chakra to be that strong. He just couldn't put his finger on it. It was a feeling of familiarity that bothered him. He knew she wasn't a jinchuriki like him, so what was it that she had that he also had. Misaki shook his head to disrupt his pondering thoughts, this was not his problem to figure out. He had a mission and winning the battles was the first step.

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