Let The Missions Begin!

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It's been weeks since the students were assigned to their teams, and every day has been filled with training and relationships growing.

All nine students stood on the steps of the academy this morning, this would have been normal if they have not been meeting at their training spots the past couple weeks instead. You could hear the indistinct chatter between the students.

"What do you think this is about?" Nakano whispered to Riza.

Riza just shrugged, Nakano rolled her eyes. Riza has been very distant lately and she couldn't understand why. Nakano and Riza have been training after their training sessions privately causing Riza's feelings to skyrocket. Riza has been trying to shut them down, but they persist.

Ahmya was sitting on the ground against a wall, across the way directly in her view path was Misaki.

Ahmya start to think back after to the previous weeks


"Alright guys the sun is going down guys I think we can give it a break." Sensei Rin said to the team.

They were working all day on attempting to retrieve the bell from their sensei, it was tradition all the students were doing it with their sensei's. They had been attempting this for about five days, and it wasn't because they didn't have the ability to retrieve the bell, everyone retrieved the bell but one person: Ahmya.

Ahmya felt like a failure as all the other teams continued on with their training and here she was holding her team back as the weakest link.

"One more round sensei! I am getting that bell today!" Ahmya gritted her teeth and balled her fist.

Rin noticed 'There it is again, that rage.' Rin didn't wanna bring it out of her just yet her inability to control it could get him hurt or even worst herself.

"No Ahmya, we will pick it back up tomorrow." Rin responded

Before Ahmya could rebuttal, Rin jumped into the forest and disappeared.

Chinsa and Misaki were still there

"Don't worry Ahmya you will get it. Rin is literally the best Sensei in the village." Chinsa put his hands in his pockets and began to walk off.

It was just her and Misaki, Ahmya wasn't ready to go home just yet, she was gonna meditate by the waterfall attempting to control this Uchiha rage that was given to her.

Ahmya was sitting on the floor defeated, she looked up at Misaki, just looking at him brought her rage back again.

"And what are you still here for?" Ahmya snarked

Misaki just chuckled and took the same route as Rin, but that chuckle caused Ahmya to let her rage lead. Ahmya got up and followed Misaki, far enough for him not to sense her but close enough to not lose him.

They arrived at Misaki nightly training spot. Ahmya did not approach him. She sat and watched for a little while but after a good amount of time, Misaki finally spoke.

"Come on out Ahmya I know you have been watching." Misaki said not taking his eyes off the wooden dummy, laying a good amount of combinations on it.

Ahmya approached him and didn't say anything.

"What do you want Ahmya?" Misaki asked, still not stopping his training.

"What are you?" Ahmya asked Misaki to finally stop what he was doing and looked at Ahmya.

"What are you?" Misaki questioned with a raise of his eyebrow. Ahmya didn't say anything she was not gonna tell the devil of her life her darkest secret.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 14, 2020 ⏰

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