The Convention

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      It is July 3rd, the day of the convention. I don't know how this will go, but I will suffer through the pain of barney for Zion. I buckle in Zion. He was so happy, with his barney shirt on. He is so happy. I love him so much. I cant to see his face shine when he sees him. I mean VIP cant be bad. Kids ain't bad to hang out with.

      We finally arrived at Barneys convention center. We walk in the doors and all I see is barney all over the place. Then on the stage came barney and his friends. Zion had an expression on his face that I cant even describe. I was so happy. "Hey kids!" I heard from Barney. I seen my bestfriend there thank god. "Hey Billy thanks for coming." "You're welcome Y/n! Gina likes Barney too!" So we just walked where the people derected us. "Pf/n!" Zion said. "Can I go with Gina and Biwwy!" "Go ahead buddy."

       I sat down in this random chair, looking at my vip pass. I wonder what happens. At least Zions happy. I will probably be with a lot of little kids. No problem.

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