Chapter 1 - Prepping

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"Quit that!" Jen yelled.

"Quit what?" I sat back in the leather chair all defenseless.

"The tapping," she crossed her arms. "With the pen."

I look down at my hand, red pen in it. I hadn't realized I was tapping it against my notepad.

"Sorry," I shook my head. "I wasn't paying much attention-"

"I can tell," she sat down across from me, across the conference desk. "I'm trying to take you under my wing."

"I don't really think I need this training," I spoke blatantly.

"The big hot shot from Spain thinks that she doesn't need the training? So be it. Rona may vouch for you, but all you did was take care of some soccer players Kat. I love you, but you do need this."

"I beg to differ," I try not to roll my eyes.

"Fine," she got up. "Get me an interview with an 'inspiring' woman by the May issue and I'll stop bothering you."

"May?" I asked. "That's in three months."

"Two. Am I rushing you?"

"Not at all," I scoff. "Why is that my first issue though?"

"Just is," Jen spoke before she opened the glass door to the offices.

I sat in the conference room and stared down at my notepad.

No notes, just drawings of a plane. My mind trying to tell me to get out of this place and go live in a cave somewhere off the coast of Australia.

My phone begins to buzz on the glass table and I look over before picking it up.

A part of me wants there to be a photo of Neymar and I on the screen and his name at the top, but then I shake off the feeling I've been shaking off for months.

"Hello?" I ask Vivian.

"Sorry to bother you," she starts. "Can you pick up a prescription for me, please? I ordered it at a pharmacy near your office and-"

"Sure thing," I spoke.

I checked the time and it was almost eleven at night. Just as I got up from my seat the lights in the office got shut off and I exited the room quietly.

I got to the elevator bank and wished the janitor that was there a good night before entering the metal confinement that somehow comforted me.

I pressed the lobby button and awaited to go down the twenty seven floors. Around the thirteenth I stopped the elevator completely.

I leaned back and closed my eyes as I took a deep breath.

"Shit," I whispered.

I pushed back the emergency stop button and made my way towards the lobby.

I wished more janitors and some security guards a good night before I reached the cool February air.

The cold felt nice on my damp eyelids. It made the tears disappear as I headed to the pharmacy whose name Vivian texted me.

I went straight to the back to pick up her prescription and it didn't take too long.

"Let me get one of those 2016 calendars, please," I spoke to the pharmacist as I began to pull out my wallet.

"Don't have one at home yet?" He questioned.

"No," I smiled. "I'm a bit behind."

I left the pharmacy shortly after and began walking towards the subway.

On the train I found myself looking around; the packed train heading downtown served as a distraction.

There was a faint reminder of Neymar lingering in the back of my head as I got pushed out the cart once the train stopped.

I rushed up the stairs to get to the street once again. The five minute walk back to my old apartment was too familiar.

"Stop doing that!" Naomi yelled.

"But it's true!" I yelled back as soon as I handed Vivian the white paper bag.

"Chelsea!" Naomi yelled and Chelsea came rushing over.

"Oh, sweetie," she gave me a sad look before bringing me into her arms.

I try to get out of grasp after a couple of seconds to explain that I'm fine.

"You have the right not to be fine," Vivian chimes in. "It's only been a month."

A month since I left Spain. Since I left Neymar and since I've spoken to James.

"Keylor called again," Naomi started. "Give him a ring."

"I might," I sigh.

I haven't spoken to anyone from Spain. I've chosen to get back into the rhythm of the life I know, everything was too good to be true and it was. On top of that I'm trying to get over my break up with Neymar.

It ended too soon. I still love him. I miss him too much.

"You're trying to get over him too soon," Chelsea spoke.

"I just want to get over this... sadness."

"It's going to take some time," Chelsea said.

"Remember, you have to accept the sadness in order to become one with it-"

"I don't need your philosophy 101," I interrupted Vivian. "But thank you."

"Noori called," Naomi smiled. "She gets in tomorrow."

"Great," I actually smiled.

She's a breath of fresh air always. Maybe she can help me get over Neymar sooner.

"Vivian and I are gonna pick her up," Naomi spoke.

"Chris and I are celebrating our anniversary," Chelsea pressed her lips on one another.

"Happy anniversary," I spoke before leaving a kiss on her cheek. "Bye, you guys," I waved over at Vivian and Naomi on the couch.

"Oh, come on," Naomi sang. "Stay."

"I want to sleep," I frowned.

"You can bunk with me," Vivian smiled.

"Bye," I repeated forcefully before leaving the apartment.

I had finally found my own apartment to rent. I went house hunting as soon as I got back to the city, I thought it'd also help with the fresh start I'm seeking.

I walk the five long blocks it takes to get to my one bedroom apartment and walk up the old dark staircase.

It's almost midnight when I shut the door. I just moved over the weekend and there's boxes everywhere. I normally wouldn't live like this, but I've been unmotivated to do anything.

I change my clothes then sit on the mattress in my room. The room had some boxes against the walls while the white mattress was on its base which was on the floor in the center of the room. No sheets or anything.

I sit down in bed and scroll through my contacts.

H, I, J.




I'm thankful I don't have to scroll past the letter N.

"Kat," he answers.

"Good morning," I frown.

"Kat," he repeats. "How have you been?"

Then I feel the tears stream down my face.

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