Chapter 23 - Miss You

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Katalina's POV

"That's what I like to hear!" I cheer as Davi reads me his grades aloud.

"How's work?" He asks and makes me smile.

"It's good," I say. "Everything is great."

"Good," he chuckles. "Kat, I miss you."

My heart sinks a little as I stare at the computer screen.

"I miss you," I tell him. "I'll make sure to try to see you soon, okay?"

"Maybe you can come here!" He cheers, referring to Brazil. "You can come stay with mommy and me! Like my dad said!"

"Oh," I begin to chuckle. "I'll have to talk to her about it, but that sounds like a great idea- I mean we did promise."

"Talk to me about what?" Carolina appears from the kitchen.

"Davi, why don't you let your mom and I talk for a bit?" I ask.

Davi looks at his mom then back at the screen.

"Okay," he shrugs.

"What's up?" Caro asks before ruffling Davi's hair as he runs past her and into another room.

"So, a couple of months ago," I begin. "When I was in Barcelona, Neymar told Davi I'd visit you two in Brazil-"

"Yeah, Neymar's coming too," she interrupts me.

"What?" I ask.

"We spoke, well he spoke- Ludy is throwing Oscar a surprise birthday party next month and it's taking place over here since it'll be International Break."

"Son of a bitch," I smirk. "He knew."

"Of course he knew-"

"I just didn't want to put you out of place," I interrupt her. "If I were to go."

"Of course, you're coming! What are you saying? You can be my date," she smiles.

"Deal," I chuckle.

"I haven't seen everyone in forever," I grunt and throw my head back.

"Perfect. You are coming."

"For Davi," I point at the camera.

"No, no," Caro shakes her head.

"For Oscar and Davi," I smile.

"There you go," she smiles back before chuckling.

"Okay, well," she says. "If I call Davi back, I might not be able to talk to you again so..."

"So...?" I ask

"Tell me about you and James," she smiles at me, making me roll my eyes and lie back in my bed.

"Guess who's going to Brazil!" I yell into the phone as soon as James answers.

"Not me!" He yells back.

"Yours truly," I smile.

"Ah," he says. "I figured. What's the reason now?"

"It is my beloved Oscar's birthday and I just got off the phone with Ludy who says she's been going crazy trying to get in touch with me to convince me to go. You and I both know I do not need any sort of convincing."

"When are you leaving?" James chuckles.

"Next month," I say. "Maybe I'll go to Spain if I have the chance. I got my vacation coming up."

"Please, do," he says. "Who's going?"

"National team, wags, family," I say. "You know. I'd invite you but the people I just named-"

"I wouldn't wanna be the odd one out anyway," James says.

"I gotta go," I say.

"Why the short call?"

"Just wanted to tell you I was going, but I'm too busy getting dressed to text."

"Getting dressed? You know these are the instances when you video chat your boyfriend, right?"

"Oh God," I laugh. "I'm going out with the girls."

"Tell them all I said hi and I send my best," James says after he finishes laughing.

"Talk soon, bye," I hang up after he says bye back.

"My poor baby," I grab Noori and bring her head to my chest.

"Get off of me," she tries to push me off. "It's just a scar."

"Well," I start. "It's beautiful just like you."

"Aw, shucks," Vivian passes by us and finally stops pacing the front of the restaurant.

"She's only two minutes late," Naomi stands up and walks over to Vivian.

"Late is late," Vivian shrugs just as Chelsea bursts through the door.

"I couldn't find anything to wear because I'm so fat!" A four month pregnant Chelsea cries.

"Shit," Noori says and steps back.

"You're not fat," I walk towards her to hug her. "There is a human growing inside of you, Chelsea."

"She's right," Vivian steps forward and hugs her too.

"Okay, okay," Chelsea changes moods almost instantly. "Let's go eat."

We order as soon as the waiter comes around and we decide we should eat as much as possible for tonight and enjoy ourselves.

I tell them about Brazil and they instantly ask about Neymar.

"What about him?" I feel attacked.

"You're with James," Noori sits up.

"And?" I ask.

"He's gonna try something!" Noori almost claps.

"What? Why would you say that? He knows we are just friends now-"

"He did mention the sex," Naomi adds.

"Whoa," Chelsea says. "You should sleep with him."

"What?" I exclaim with the rest of the table.

"Sorry!" Chelsea says. "I didn't think I said that out loud. I just would like some sex in my life again."

"Don't sleep with him," Vivian shakes her head.

"Although," Noori takes a sip of her drink after speaking. "What's the worst that could happen?"

"Jesus," I scoff. "You all know I'm with James right?"

"Yeah," they all say.

"You're done with Neymar," Vivian begins to nod.

"I am," I nod at her for understanding.

"She didn't have post break-up sex with him," Noori smiles.

"Oh, shit," Vivian and Naomi say simultaneously.

"Is this a thing?!" I sit up in awe. "Was I supposed to?"

"Are you crazy?" Chelsea speaks. "It's like you read a whole book except for the last page. You have to finish this- finish the chapter and move on to the next book."

"I'm with James," I point out. "I can't do that."

"Aha!" Noori points her finger at me.

"So, you thought about it?" Naomi asks.

"Only when Neymar mentioned it," I admit.

"Put it behind you," Chelsea nods.

"Are you okay?" Noori asks her. "You're not thinking straight."

"Oh, I'm sorry," Chelsea waves her hand. "Was the pregnant friend supposed to have all the answers?"

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