sorry i haven't posted in so long. pic up top is from great webtoon.

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3rd person POV
While Severus was in Harry's room soothing him to sleep, Draco was sitting on the couch feeling very guilty. Severus had tried to tell him it wasn't his fault, but he just felt so bad. While Harry was sleeping Severus had begun to explain the reason Harry had passed out, but was cut off by Harry's panic attack. You see, much like Harry, Draco was extremely mature for his age. His parents didn't want him to be ignorant to the world around him so, while making sure he still stays sweet and innocent, they had explained to him the horrors if this world. They talked about abuse, watched the news, they told him about various mental disorders and the symptoms they had. Many would argue that it's wrong to teach a 5 year old such things, but draco's parents didn't destroy his innocence or deprive him of his childhood by doing this. They made him smart. They made sure that he knew this world isn't all sunshine and rainbows so that he would be prepared. After all... Knowledge is power.
Sorry this chapter was so short. And sorry I haven't posted in so long😞. I did this one from my phone.

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