The first day of school

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"Don't worry, you'll be great. Don't be nervous, keep your chin up!" Makoto's mother kept spouting words of encouragement every 2.3 seconds, trying to cheer her son up. It would be his first time in a new highschool after moving to the U.S from Japan. They went from a comfortable and small home to a large and starger home, it was discomforting, Makoto was usually okay with change, adapting easily, this just felt a bit off. Today was gonna be his first day of his sophomore year of highschool in the U.S, he actually had started his sophomore year in Japan but, technically it will be his first day in the U.S. And no matter how much his mother tried, it would not work. What if they made fun of Makoto? He wasn't exactly the best looking, but was definitely not the worst, he was really skinny, and wore "nerdy" clothes. If Makoto was that mean he would pick on him the first chance he got. Maybe he could say his stomach was upset and spend the day at home, but he'll have to go to school sometime, so what would be the point in just skipping out today?

"Get a hold of yourself!" He mentally slapped himself, sighed, got his back-pack, and said goodbye to his mom and went out the door. He already memorized the route, he wanted to walk to school, collect his thoughts before he went to the front doors of hell. Makoto was always that kind of kid who stayed home and studied, got good grades, and  was always at the top of the class, he does have all AP classes after all. Although he would never admit it, Makoto was naturally smart, but he doesn't see it, of course he still needs to study, he doesn't just know things, but other things considered he was very smart in many different ways.

Makoto, all caught up in his thoughts, had arrived at his highschool. He was only awoken from his full headspace by a thin girl with a short haircut and baggy clothes that had bumped into him. "Watch where you're going" She grunted, Makoto couldn't think, he had arrived at his destination, was he happy about it? No, definitely not. But, he still had to attend his classes and get good grades if he wanted a future, so here goes nothing. As he's walking to his locker he gets some stares, is it really that obvious that he didn't fit in here? "Whatever, just ignore them"  he thought to himself, he would be safe in his mind, right? Who knows, maybe this mind of his will betray him some day. He reaches his locker, people are still staring, as he starts to unlock it, he hears a group of  some boisterous kids talking, they were exceedingly rude about the subject.

If anyone is sensitive to the subject of idk like harassment and slutshaming, body shaming skip this part, I'll say when it's safe.

"I can't believe it!" some kid said in between his obnoxious laughter, "she really thought I liked her! How could I ever do that? She was so fat and ugly! I can't believe I slept with her, what a slut!" Some other kids were laughing along with his discrimination speach.
It's now, I don't know if anyone actually skipped that short thing but I don't know, some people are sensitive and don't like it so, yeah. 
But like, what if I made that guy Cassano- I mean, you know-

Makoto was sick of this guy already, he was annoying and rude. He turned around after finishing with placing things in his locker, that was when he got a good look at the group, and if he was being honest, they all looked like kids who were spoiled and are stuck up. "Hey, Laurent, you didn't laugh at my story." The leader spat at a kid sitting on the floor with his back against the wall, the kid looked up at him and had a smirk on his face, although it looked almost fake. "Well, Eddie. I don't think it was very funny is all." The kid had guts, it seemed like this "Eddie" kid was considered the "boss" of this pity posse, and this "Laurent" kid was standing up to him, Makoto might not want to stay around for long, these kids might get into a fight. "You didn't think it was funny?" Spat Eddie, he was staring to get pissed. "Get out of here! Scram! Get a move on!" Makoto's mind was giving orders that his leg simply ignore, he was frozen in his spot, not able to move one centimeter. Sooner or later they would notice him listening and watching the situation, and that they did.

"No, I thought I had made that clear, maybe you didn't understand what I said with that monkey brain of yours. Shall I repeat myself?" Laurent let out, he had a look on his face that gave the impression he had been wanting to pop-off on Eddie for a long time. Eddie was about to respond to Laurent when he spotted Makoto standing and watching them quarrel. "Crap!" Makoto thought, he had definitely stayed longer than he was welcome and was about to get it. He should leave, but he is glued to the floor. "Well, well, well, what do we have here?" Eddie said as if he was not in the middle of an argument, "what're you staring at, pipsqueak? Do you want a beating?" Eddie was like a cat and Makoto was the mouse, he just knew this would not end up well. "Well, I-I, um" what should he say, what should he say? Crap he was panicking, was he about to
get in a fight on his first day?

I will be uploading the second part tomorrow.

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